Cikkek nyilvánosan hozzáférhető megbízással - Sandra BouwhuisTovábbi információ
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Colony size affects breeding density, but not spatial distribution type, in a seabird
S Bouwhuis, F Ballani, M Bourgeois, D Stoyan
Behavioral Ecology 31 (5), 1113-1119, 2020
Megbízások: German Research Foundation
Valahol hozzáférhető: 42
Quantitative assessment of the importance of phenotypic plasticity in adaptation to climate change in wild bird populations
O Vedder, S Bouwhuis, BC Sheldon
PLoS biology 11 (7), e1001605, 2013
Megbízások: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK Natural …
Global phenological insensitivity to shifting ocean temperatures among seabirds
K Keogan, F Daunt, S Wanless, RA Phillips, CA Walling, P Agnew, ...
Nature Climate Change 8 (4), 313-318, 2018
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, Research Foundation (Flanders), Natural …
Sex-specific pathways of parental age effects on offspring lifetime reproductive success in a long-lived seabird
S Bouwhuis, O Vedder, PH Becker
Evolution 69 (7), 1760-1771, 2015
Megbízások: German Research Foundation
Age‐dependent trait variation: the relative contribution of within‐individual change, selective appearance and disappearance in a long‐lived seabird
H Zhang, O Vedder, PH Becker, S Bouwhuis
Journal of Animal Ecology 84 (3), 797-807, 2015
Megbízások: German Research Foundation
Personality and basal metabolic rate in a wild bird population
S Bouwhuis, JL Quinn, BC Sheldon, S Verhulst
Oikos 123 (1), 56-62, 2014
Megbízások: European Commission, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Connecting the data landscape of long‐term ecological studies: The SPI‐Birds data hub
A Culina, F Adriaensen, LD Bailey, MD Burgess, A Charmantier, EF Cole, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 90 (9), 2147-2160, 2021
Megbízások: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, UK Natural Environment …
The diversity of population responses to environmental change
F Colchero, OR Jones, DA Conde, D Hodgson, F Zajitschek, BR Schmidt, ...
Ecology letters 22 (2), 342-353, 2019
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, Swiss National Science Foundation, US …
Telomere attrition and growth: A life‐history framework and case study in common terns
O Vedder, S Verhulst, C Bauch, S Bouwhuis
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 30 (7), 1409-1419, 2017
Megbízások: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Telomere length is repeatable, shortens with age and reproductive success, and predicts remaining lifespan in a long‐lived seabird
C Bichet, S Bouwhuis, C Bauch, S Verhulst, PH Becker, O Vedder
Molecular Ecology 29 (2), 429-441, 2020
Megbízások: German Research Foundation, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Hemispheric asymmetry in ocean change and the productivity of ecosystem sentinels
WJ Sydeman, DS Schoeman, SA Thompson, BA Hoover, M García-Reyes, ...
Science 372 (6545), 980-983, 2021
Megbízások: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, UK Natural Environment …
Basal metabolic rate and the rate of senescence in the great tit
S Bouwhuis, BC Sheldon, S Verhulst
Functional Ecology 25 (4), 829-838, 2011
Megbízások: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Telomere length is heritable and genetically correlated with lifespan in a wild bird
O Vedder, M Moiron, C Bichet, C Bauch, S Verhulst, PH Becker, ...
Molecular Ecology 31 (23), 6297-6307, 2022
Megbízások: German Research Foundation, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Heterogeneity in individual quality in birds: overall patterns and insights from a study on common terns
O Vedder, S Bouwhuis
Oikos 127 (5), 719-727, 2018
Megbízások: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Fitness prospects: effects of age, sex and recruitment age on reproductive value in a long‐lived seabird
H Zhang, M Rebke, PH Becker, S Bouwhuis
Journal of Animal Ecology 84 (1), 199-207, 2015
Megbízások: German Research Foundation
Life span and reproductive cost explain interspecific variation in the optimal onset of reproduction
E Mourocq, P Bize, S Bouwhuis, R Bradley, A Charmantier, C de la Cruz, ...
Evolution 70 (2), 296-313, 2016
Megbízások: Swiss National Science Foundation
Embryonic growth rate affects telomere attrition: an experiment in a wild bird
O Vedder, S Verhulst, E Zuidersma, S Bouwhuis
Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (15), jeb181586, 2018
Megbízások: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Plasticity results in delayed breeding in a long-distant migrant seabird
AC F. Stephen Dobson, Peter H. Becker, Coline M. Arnaud, Sandra Bouwhuis
Ecology and Evolution 7, 3100-3109, 2017
Megbízások: German Research Foundation, European Commission, AXA Research Fund, France
High individual repeatability of the migratory behaviour of a long-distance migratory seabird
N Kürten, H Schmaljohann, C Bichet, B Haest, O Vedder, ...
Movement Ecology 10 (1), 5, 2022
Megbízások: Government of Spain
Mass mortality among colony-breeding seabirds in the German Wadden Sea in 2022 due to distinct genotypes of HPAIV H5N1 clade 2.3. 4.4 b
A Pohlmann, O Stejskal, J King, S Bouwhuis, F Packmor, E Ballstaedt, ...
Journal of General Virology 104 (4), 001834, 2023
Megbízások: European Commission, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
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