Felicidad Ronda
Felicidad Ronda
Catedrática de Tecnologia de Alimentos, Universidad de Valladolid
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Functionality of different hydrocolloids on the quality and shelf-life of yellow layer cakes
M Gómez, F Ronda, PA Caballero, CA Blanco, CM Rosell
Food hydrocolloids 21 (2), 167-173, 2007
Effect of dietary fibre on dough rheology and bread quality
M Gómez, F Ronda, CA Blanco, PA Caballero, A Apesteguía
European Food research and technology 216, 51-56, 2003
Effects of polyols and nondigestible oligosaccharides on the quality of sugar-free sponge cakes
F Ronda, M Gomez, CA Blanco, PA Caballero
Food chemistry 90 (4), 549-555, 2005
Rheological study of layer cake batters made with soybean protein isolate and different starch sources
F Ronda, B Oliete, M Gómez, PA Caballero, V Pando
Journal of Food Engineering 102 (3), 272-277, 2011
Functionality of different emulsifiers on the performance of breadmaking and wheat bread quality
M Gómez, S Del Real, CM Rosell, F Ronda, CA Blanco, PA Caballero
European Food Research and Technology 219, 145-150, 2004
Impact of variety type and particle size distribution on starch enzymatic hydrolysis and functional properties of tef flours
W Abebe, C Collar, F Ronda
Carbohydrate polymers 115, 260-268, 2015
Effect of barley and oat β-glucan concentrates on gluten-free rice-based doughs and bread characteristics
F Ronda, S Perez-Quirce, A Lazaridou, CG Biliaderis
Food Hydrocolloids 48, 197-207, 2015
Improving gluten-free bread quality by enrichment with acidic food additives
CA Blanco, F Ronda, B Pérez, V Pando
Food Chemistry 127 (3), 1204-1209, 2011
Impact of viscous dietary fibres on the viscoelastic behaviour of gluten-free formulated rice doughs: A fundamental and empirical rheological approach
F Ronda, S Pérez-Quirce, A Angioloni, C Collar
Food Hydrocolloids 32 (2), 252-262, 2013
Microwave radiation and protein addition modulate hydration, pasting and gel rheological characteristics of rice and potato starches
M Villanueva, B De Lamo, J Harasym, F Ronda
Carbohydrate polymers 201, 374-381, 2018
Rice flour physically modified by microwave radiation improves viscoelastic behavior of doughs and its bread-making performance
M Villanueva, J Harasym, JM Munoz, F Ronda
Food Hydrocolloids 90, 472-481, 2019
Staling of fresh and frozen gluten-free bread
F Ronda, YH Roos
Journal of cereal science 53 (3), 340-346, 2011
Rheological properties of gluten-free bread doughs: relationship with bread quality
F Ronda, S Pérez-Quirce, M Villanueva
Advances in food rheology and its applications, 297-334, 2017
Influence of acidification on dough viscoelasticity of gluten-free rice starch-based dough matrices enriched with exogenous protein
F Ronda, M Villanueva, C Collar
LWT-Food Science and Technology 59 (1), 12-20, 2014
Impact of high-intensity ultrasound waves on structural, functional, thermal and rheological properties of rice flour and its biopolymers structural features
AJ Vela, M Villanueva, ÁG Solaesa, F Ronda
Food Hydrocolloids 113, 106480, 2021
Rheological and textural properties of tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] grain flour gels
W Abebe, F Ronda
Journal of Cereal Science 60 (1), 122-130, 2014
Staling of frozen partly and fully baked breads. Study of the combined effect of amylopectin recrystallization and water content on bread firmness
F Ronda, PA Caballero, J Quilez, YH Roos
Journal of cereal science 53 (1), 97-103, 2011
Microwave absorption capacity of rice flour. Impact of the radiation on rice flour microstructure, thermal and viscometric properties
M Villanueva, J Harasym, JM Munoz, F Ronda
Journal of Food Engineering 224, 156-164, 2018
Impact of acidification and protein fortification on thermal properties of rice, potato and tapioca starches and rheological behaviour of their gels
M Villanueva, F Ronda, T Moschakis, A Lazaridou, CG Biliaderis
Food Hydrocolloids 79, 20-29, 2018
Characterization of cake batters by ultrasound measurements
M Gómez, B Oliete, J García-Álvarez, F Ronda, J Salazar
Journal of Food Engineering 89 (4), 408-413, 2008
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