First M87 event horizon telescope results. II. Array and instrumentation K Akiyama, A Alberdi, W Alef, K Asada, R Azulay, AK Baczko, D Ball, ... The Astrophysical Journal Letters 875 (1), L2, 2019 | 963 | 2019 |
Event Horizon Telescope imaging of the archetypal blazar 3C 279 at an extreme 20 microarcsecond resolution JY Kim, TP Krichbaum, AE Broderick, M Wielgus, L Blackburn, JL Gómez, ... Astronomy & Astrophysics 640, A69, 2020 | 122 | 2020 |
A two-phase method for extracting explanatory arguments from Bayesian networks ST Timmer, JJC Meyer, H Prakken, S Renooij, B Verheij International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 80, 475-494, 2017 | 94 | 2017 |
Arguments, scenarios and probabilities: connections between three normative frameworks for evidential reasoning B Verheij, F Bex, ST Timmer, CS Vlek, JJC Meyer, S Renooij, H Prakken Law, Probability and Risk 15 (1), 35-70, 2016 | 89 | 2016 |
Explaining Bayesian networks using argumentation ST Timmer, JJC Meyer, H Prakken, S Renooij, B Verheij Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty: 13th …, 2015 | 43 | 2015 |
A structure-guided approach to capturing Bayesian reasoning about legal evidence in argumentation ST Timmer, JJC Meyer, H Prakken, S Renooij, B Verheij Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence …, 2015 | 27 | 2015 |
Inference and attack in Bayesian networks ST Timmer, JJC Meyer, H Prakken, S Renooij, B Verheij Proceedings of the 25th Benelux conference on artificial intelligence, 199-206, 2013 | 26 | 2013 |
The Gravitational Wave Universe Toolbox-A software package to simulate observations of the gravitational wave universe with different detectors SX Yi, G Nelemans, C Brinkerink, Z Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, ST Timmer, ... Astronomy & Astrophysics 663, A155, 2022 | 19 | 2022 |
Extracting legal arguments from forensic Bayesian networks ST Timmer, JJC Meyer, H Prakken, S Renooij, B Verheij Legal knowledge and information systems, 71-80, 2014 | 19 | 2014 |
Exact algorithms for Kayles HL Bodlaender, D Kratsch, ST Timmer Theoretical Computer Science 562, 165-176, 2015 | 13 | 2015 |
Explaining legal Bayesian networks using support graphs ST Timmer, JJC Meyer, H Prakken, S Renooij, B Verheij Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, 121-130, 2015 | 9 | 2015 |
Designing and understanding forensic bayesian networks using argumentation ST Timmer Utrecht University, 2017 | 8 | 2017 |
The BlackGEM Telescope Array. I. Overview PJ Groot, S Bloemen, PM Vreeswijk, JCJ van Roestel, PG Jonker, ... Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 136 (11), 115003, 2024 | 6 | 2024 |
The LLAMA Brazilian-Argentinian radiotelescope project: Progress in Brazil and BRICS collaboration JRD Lepine, Z Abraham, CGGD Castro, JER Costa, JJ Larrarte, ... Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 93 (suppl 1), e20200846, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
Capturing critical questions in Bayesian network fragments ST Timmer, JJC Meyer, H Prakken, S Renooij, B Verheij Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, 173-176, 2015 | 5 | 2015 |
Demonstration of a structure-guided approach to capturing bayesian reasoning about legal evidence in argumentation ST Timmer, JJC Meyer, H Prakken, S Renooij, B Verheij Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence …, 2015 | 2 | 2015 |
The Dutch Rubin Enhanced Atmospheric Monitor-DREAM R Stuik, S Timmer, H Hoekstra, P Ingraham, W Van Reeven, T Ribeiro, ... Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX 12184, 121848H, 2022 | 1 | 2022 |
All-sky transparency mapping for the Vera C. Rubin Observatory with DREAM R Stuik, S Timmer, P Vreeswijke, K Fanning, H Hoekstra, B Stalder, ... Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy X 13096, 1309632, 2024 | | 2024 |
ALIX: a radio interferometry based location tracking system for pioneering astronauts on Mars D Kapitein, S van den Ende, R Kleinhans, E Sihol, R Naglis, ... EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 781, 2024 | | 2024 |
GWToolbox: Gravitational wave observation simulator SX Yi, G Nelemans, C Brinkerink, Z Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, ST Timmer, ... Astrophysics Source Code Library, ascl: 2111.018, 2021 | | 2021 |