Sascha Albers
Sascha Albers
Professor of International Management, University of Antwerp and Antwerp Management School
E-mail megerősítve itt: uantwerpen.be
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
The impact of electronic commerce on logistics service providers
W Delfmann, S Albers, M Gehring
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 32 (3 …, 2002
Levels, phases and themes of coopetition: A systematic literature review and research agenda
S Dorn, B Schweiger, S Albers
European Management Journal 34 (5), 484-500, 2016
Strategic Alliance Structures An Organization Design Perspective
S Albers, F Wohlgezogen, EJ Zajac
Journal of Management 42 (3), 582-614, 2016
European airlines′ strategic responses to the COVID-19 pandemic (January-May, 2020)
S Albers, V Rundshagen
Journal of Air Transport Management 87, 101863, 2020
From hub to tourist destination-An explorative study of Singapore and Dubai's aviation-based transformation
G Lohmann, S Albers, B Koch, K Pavlovich
Journal of Air Transport Management 15 (5), 205-211, 2009
The design of alliance governance systems
S Albers
Kölner Wiss.-Verlag, 2005
Strategic alliances between airlines and airports--theoretical assessment and practical evidence
S Albers, B Koch, C Ruff
Journal of Air Transport Management 11 (2), 49-58, 2005
Configurations of Alliance Governance Systems
S Albers
Schmalenbach Business Review (sbr) 62 (3), 202-232, 2010
A Conceptual Framework for Measuring Airline Business Model Convergence
J Daft, S Albers
Journal of Air Transport Management, 2013
An empirical analysis of airline business model convergence
J Daft, S Albers
Journal of Air Transport Management 46, 3-11, 2015
Will the EU-ETS instigate airline network reconfigurations?
S Albers, JA Bühne, H Peters
Journal of Air Transport Management 15 (1), 1-6, 2009
Supply chain management in the global context
W Delfmann, S Albers
Universität zu Köln, Seminar für Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre …, 2000
Network learning: Episodes of interorganizational learning towards a collective performance goal
J Gibb, A Sune, S Albers
European Management Journal 35 (1), 15-25, 2017
Strategic Management in the Aviation Industry
W Delfmann, H Baum, S Auerbach, S Albers
Ashgate, 2005
Airport Incentive Programmes: A European Perspective
R Malina, S Albers, N Kroll
Transport Reviews 32 (4), 435-453, 2012
A profitability analysis of low-cost long-haul flight operations
J Daft, S Albers
Journal of Air Transport Management 19, 49-54, 2012
Multimarket coopetition: How the interplay of competition and cooperation affects entry into shared markets
K Klein, T Semrau, S Albers, EJ Zajac
Long Range Planning 53 (1), 101868, 2020
Effective Logistics Alliance Design and Management
L Brekalo, S Albers
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 46 (2), 2016
Network of networks: preliminary lessons from the Antwerp Port Authority on crisis management and network governance to deal with the COVID‐19 pandemic
S van den Oord, N Vanlaer, H Marynissen, B Brugghemans, J Van Roey, ...
Public Administration Review 80 (5), 880-894, 2020
Logistics alliance management capabilities: where are they?
L Brekalo, S Albers, W Delfmann
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 43 (7 …, 2013
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