Anton Dries
Anton Dries
Nokia Bell Labs
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Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Adaptive concept drift detection
A Dries, U Rückert
Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal 2 (5‐6 …, 2009
Inducing probabilistic relational rules from probabilistic examples
L De Raedt, A Dries, I Thon, G Van den Broeck, M Verbeke
Proceedings of 24th international joint conference on artificial …, 2015
Problog2: Probabilistic logic programming
A Dries, A Kimmig, W Meert, J Renkens, G Van den Broeck, J Vlasselaer, ...
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2015
Exact and approximate weighted model integration with probability density functions using knowledge compilation
PZ Dos Martires, A Dries, L De Raedt
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 33 (01), 7825-7833, 2019
A query language for analyzing networks
A Dries, S Nijssen, L De Raedt
Proceedings of the 18th ACM conference on Information and knowledge …, 2009
Miningzinc: A declarative framework for constraint-based mining
T Guns, A Dries, S Nijssen, G Tack, L De Raedt
Artificial Intelligence 244, 6-29, 2017
Miningzinc: A modeling language for constraint-based mining
T Guns, A Dries, G Tack, S Nijssen, L De Raedt
Proceedings of the Twenty-Third international joint conference on Artificial …, 2013
Dominance programming for itemset mining
B Negrevergne, A Dries, T Guns, S Nijssen
2013 IEEE 13th International Conference on Data Mining, 557-566, 2013
Solving probability problems in natural language
A Dries, A Kimmig, J Davis, V Belle, L De Raedt
Proceedings Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial …, 2017
Combining stochastic constraint optimization and probabilistic programming: from knowledge compilation to constraint solving
ALD Latour, B Babaki, A Dries, A Kimmig, G Van den Broeck, S Nijssen
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming: 23rd International …, 2017
Mining patterns in networks using homomorphism
A Dries, S Nijssen
Proceedings of the 2012 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 260-271, 2012
Knowledge Compilation and Weighted Model Counting for Inference in Probabilistic Logic Programs.
J Vlasselaer, A Kimmig, A Dries, W Meert, L De Raedt
AAAI Workshop: Beyond NP 101, 2016
Mining predictive k-CNF expressions
A Dries, L De Raedt, S Nijssen
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 22 (5), 743-748, 2009
Learning constraint satisfaction problems: An ILP perspective
L De Raedt, A Dries, T Guns, C Bessiere
Data Mining and Constraint Programming: Foundations of a Cross-Disciplinary …, 2016
Learning constraints through partial queries
C Bessiere, C Carbonnel, A Dries, E Hebrard, G Katsirelos, N Narodytska, ...
Artificial Intelligence 319, 103896, 2023
Predictive spreadsheet autocompletion with constraints
S Kolb, S Teso, A Dries, L De Raedt
Machine Learning 109, 307-325, 2020
Towards clausal discovery for stream mining
A Dries, L De Raedt
Inductive Logic Programming: 19th International Conference, ILP 2009, Leuven …, 2010
Knowledge compilation with continuous random variables and its application in hybrid probabilistic logic programming
PZ Dos Martires, A Dries, L De Raedt
StarAI@ IJCAI, 2018
Declarative data generation with problog
A Dries
Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Information and …, 2015
BiQL: a query language for analyzing information networks
A Dries, S Nijssen, L De Raedt
Bisociative Knowledge Discovery: An Introduction to Concept, Algorithms …, 2012
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