Anne-Claire PACHE
Anne-Claire PACHE
Professor in Social Innovation and Philanthropy ESSEC Business School
E-mail megerősítve itt: essec.edu
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Inside the hybrid organization: selective coupling as a response to conflicting institutional logics
A Pache, F Santos
Academy of Management Journal 56 (4), 972-1001, 2013
When worlds collide: The internal dynamics of organizational responses to conflicting institutional demands
AC Pache, F Santos
Academy of management review 35 (3), 455-476, 2010
Harnessing productive tensions in hybrid organizations: The case of work integration social enterprises
J Battilana, M Sengul, AC Pache, J Model
Academy of Management journal 58 (6), 1658-1685, 2015
Making hybrids work: Aligning business models and organizational design for social enterprises
F Santos, AC Pache, C Birkholz
California management review 57 (3), 36-58, 2015
Research on Corporate Philanthropy: A Review and Assessment
A Gautier, AC Pache
Journal of Business Ethics, 1-27, 2013
Leadership competencies for implementing planned organizational change
J Battilana, M Gilmartin, M Sengul, AC Pache, JA Alexander
The leadership quarterly 21 (3), 422-438, 2010
Embedded in hybrid contexts: How individuals in organizations respond to competing institutional logics
AC Pache, F Santos
Institutional logics in action, part B, 3-35, 2013
Social entrepreneurs as institutionally embedded entrepreneurs: Toward a new model of social entrepreneurship education
AC Pache, I Chowdhury
Academy of Management Learning & Education 11 (3), 494-510, 2012
From caring entrepreneur to caring enterprise: Addressing the ethical challenges of scaling up social enterprises
K André, AC Pache
Journal of Business Ethics 133, 659-675, 2016
Beyond shareholder value maximization: Accounting for financial/social trade-offs in dual-purpose companies
J Battilana, T Obloj, AC Pache, M Sengul
Academy of Management Review 47 (2), 237-258, 2022
Hybridity and institutional logics
AC Pache, PH Thornton
Organizational hybridity: Perspectives, processes, promises 69, 29-52, 2020
The Dual-Purpose Playbook
J Battilana, AC Pache, M Sengul, M Kimsey
Harvard Business Review 97, 124-133, 2019
What keeps corporate volunteers engaged: Extending the volunteer work design model with self-determination theory insights
S van Schie, A Gautier, AC Pache, ST Güntert
Journal of Business Ethics 160, 693-712, 2019
Evaluer l’impact social d’une entreprise sociale: points de repère
E Stievenart, AC Pache
Revue internationale de l'économie sociale, 76-92, 2014
When worlds keep on colliding: Exploring the consequences of organizational responses to conflicting institutional demands
AC Pache, FM Santos
Academy of Management Review 46 (4), 640-659, 2021
An integrative model of hybrid governance: The role of boards in helping sustain organizational hybridity
AC Pache, J Battilana, C Spencer
Academy of Management Journal 67 (2), 437-467, 2024
How can cross-sector collaborations foster social innovation? A review
AC Pache, AL Fayard, M Galo
Social Innovation and Social Enterprises: Toward a Holistic Perspective, 35-62, 2022
The missing link: Communities of practice as bridges between institutional entrepreneurs and frontline practitioners in institutionalizing a divergent practice
A Gautier, AC Pache, I Chowdhury, M Ligonie
On practice and institution: New empirical directions, 199-230, 2021
Keeping an eye on two goals: Governance and organizational attention in hybrid organizations
AC Pache, J Battilana, C Spencer
Academy of Management Proceedings 2018 (1), 18007, 2018
How do we know when social innovation works? A review and contingencymodel of social impact assessment
G Molecke, AC Pache
Handbook of inclusive innovation, 83-105, 2019
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