European Monetary Integration: From the European Monetary System to European Monetary Union D Gros, N Thygesen Longman, 1992 | 1391 | 1992 |
One market, one money: an evaluation of the potential benefits and costs of forming an economic and monetary union M Emerson Oxford University Press, 1992 | 677 | 1992 |
Winds of change: economic transition in Central and Eastern Europe D Gros, A Steinherr (No Title), 1995 | 378 | 1995 |
Economic transition in Central and Eastern Europe: Planting the seeds D Gros, A Steinherr Cambridge University Press, 2004 | 309 | 2004 |
The EU’s Response to the Refugee Crisis: Taking Stock and Setting Policy Priorities. CEPS Essay No. 20, 16 December 2015 S Carrera, D Gros, S Blockmans, E Guild | 295 | 2015 |
A note on the optimal tariff, retaliation and the welfare loss from tariff wars in a framework with intra-industry trade D Gros Journal of international Economics 23 (3-4), 357-367, 1987 | 289 | 1987 |
A note on the trade potential of Central and Eastern Europe D Gros, A Gonciarz European journal of political economy 12 (4), 709-721, 1996 | 254 | 1996 |
The global financial crisis: Causes and cures J Carmassi, D Gros, S Micossi JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 47 (5), 977-996, 2009 | 212 | 2009 |
The Consequences of Real Exchange Rate Rules for Inflation: Some Illustrative Examples (Incidence sur l'inflation des règles régissant le taux de change réel: quelques exemples … C Adams, D Gros Staff Papers-International Monetary Fund, 439-476, 1986 | 210 | 1986 |
Towards a Euro (pean) monetary fund D Gros, T Mayer CEPS Policy Brief, 2010 | 200 | 2010 |
How to deal with sovereign default in Europe: Create the European Monetary Fund now! D Gros, T Mayer CEPS Policy Brief, 2010 | 196 | 2010 |
E Uropean Deposit Insurance and Resolution in the Banking Union D Gros, D Schoenmaker JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 52 (3), 529-546, 2014 | 180 | 2014 |
Trade reorientation and recovery in transition economies P Brenton, D Gros Oxford review of economic policy 13 (2), 65-76, 1997 | 176 | 1997 |
Ten years after: what is special about transition countries? D Gros, M Suhrcke Transition and Growth in Post-Communist Countries, 51, 2000 | 175 | 2000 |
Macroeconomic Imbalances in the Euro Area: Symptom or cause of the crisis? D Gros CEPS Policy Brief, 2012 | 167 | 2012 |
Open issues in European central banking L Smaghi, D Gros Springer, 2000 | 148 | 2000 |
Business cycle synchronization in the EMU: Core vs. periphery A Belke, C Domnick, D Gros Open Economies Review 28, 863-892, 2017 | 130 | 2017 |
The European transformation of modern Turkey K Dervis, M Emerson, D Gros, S Ülgen CEPS, 2004 | 122 | 2004 |
Long-run economic aspects of the European Union's eastern enlargment D Gros, J Pelkmans, J Nunez Ferrer WRR, 2000 | 116 | 2000 |
The impact of the financial crisis on the real economy: The crisis and the real economy D Gros, C Alcidi Intereconomics 45 (1), 4-20, 2010 | 108 | 2010 |