Ruben Limiñana
Ruben Limiñana
Departamento de Didáctica General y Didácticas Específicas, Universidad de Alicante
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Hivatkozott rá
Weather conditions promote route flexibility during open ocean crossing in a long-distance migratory raptor
U Mellone, P López-López, R Limiñana, V Urios
International journal of biometeorology 55, 463-468, 2011
Interspecific comparison of the performance of soaring migrants in relation to morphology, meteorological conditions and migration strategies
U Mellone, RHG Klaassen, C Garcia-Ripolles, R Liminana, ...
PLoS One 7 (7), e39833, 2012
From the Mediterranean Sea to Madagascar: Are there ecological barriers for the long-distance migrant Eleonora’s falcon?
P López-López, R Liminana, U Mellone, V Urios
Landscape Ecology 25, 803-813, 2010
The trans‐equatorial loop migration system of Eleonora’s falcon: differences in migration patterns between age classes, regions and seasons
U Mellone, P López‐López, R Limiñana, G Piasevoli, V Urios
Journal of Avian Biology 44 (5), 417-426, 2013
Mapping the migratory routes and wintering areas of Lesser Kestrels Falco naumanni: new insights from satellite telemetry
R Liminana, M Romero, UGO Mellone, V Urios
Ibis 154 (2), 389-399, 2012
Extremely detoured migration in an inexperienced bird: interplay of transport costs and social interactions
U Mellone, R Liminana, E Mallia, V Urios
Journal of Avian Biology 42 (5), 468-472, 2011
Autumn migration of Montagu’s harriers Circus pygargus tracked by satellite telemetry
R Liminana, A Soutullo, V Urios
Journal of Ornithology 148, 517-523, 2007
Density-dependent regulation of population size in colonial breeders: Allee and buffer effects in the migratory Montagu’s harrier
A Soutullo, R Limiñana, V Urios, M Surroca, J A Gill
Oecologia 149, 543-552, 2006
Protected areas do not fulfil the wintering habitat needs of the trans-Saharan migratory Montagu’s harrier
R Limiñana, A Soutullo, B Arroyo, V Urios
Biological Conservation 145 (1), 62-69, 2012
Large birds travel farther in homogeneous environments
MA Tucker, O Alexandrou, RO Bierregaard Jr, KL Bildstein, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 28 (5), 576-587, 2019
Migration and wintering areas of adult Montagu’s Harriers (Circus pygargus) breeding in Spain
R Liminana, A Soutullo, V Urios, A Reig-Ferrer
Journal of Ornithology 153, 85-93, 2012
Autumn migration of Eleonora's falcon Falco eleonorae tracked by satellite telemetry
P López-López, R Limiñana, V Urios
Academia Sinica, Taipei. Biodiversity Research Center, 2009
Seasonal differences in migration patterns of a soaring bird in relation to environmental conditions: a multi-scale approach
U Mellone, J De La Puente, P López-López, R Limiñana, A Bermejo, ...
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69, 75-82, 2015
Is there a different response to winds during migration between soaring and flapping raptors? An example with the Montagu’s harrier and the lesser kestrel
R Limiñana, M Romero, U Mellone, V Urios
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67, 823-835, 2013
Pre-migratory movements of adult Montagu's Harriers Circus pygargus
R Limiñana, A Soutullo, P López-López, V Urios
Ardea 96 (1), 81-90, 2008
Wintering habitats of Eleonora's Falcons Falco eleonorae in Madagascar
U Mellone, P López-López, R Limiñana, V Urios
Bird Study 59 (1), 29-36, 2012
Summer staging areas of non-breeding Short-toed Snake Eagles Circaetus gallicus
U Mellone, B Yáñez, R Limiñana, AR Muñoz, D Pavón, JM González, ...
Bird Study 58 (4), 516-521, 2011
Seasonal rhythms of salivary cortisol secretion in captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus)
A Menargues Marcilla, V Urios, R Limiñana
General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2012
Using satellite telemetry and environmental niche modelling to inform conservation targets for a long-distance migratory raptor in its wintering grounds
R Limiñana, B Arroyo, J Terraube, M McGrady, F Mougeot
Oryx 49 (2), 329-337, 2015
Movements of Harpy Eagles Harpia harpyja during their first two years after hatching
R Muñiz-López, R Limiñana, GD Cortés, V Urios
Bird Study 59 (4), 509-514, 2012
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