Effects of transformational leadership training on attitudinal and financial outcomes: A field experiment. J Barling, T Weber, EK Kelloway Journal of applied psychology 81 (6), 827, 1996 | 2635 | 1996 |
Transformational leadership and psychological well-being: the mediating role of meaningful work. KA Arnold, N Turner, J Barling, EK Kelloway, MC McKee Journal of occupational health psychology 12 (3), 193, 2007 | 2043 | 2007 |
Development and test of a model linking safety-specific transformational leadership and occupational safety. J Barling, C Loughlin, EK Kelloway Journal of applied psychology 87 (3), 488, 2002 | 1760 | 2002 |
Transformational leadership and emotional intelligence: An exploratory study J Barling, F Slater, EK Kelloway Leadership & Organization Development Journal 21 (3), 157-161, 2000 | 1676 | 2000 |
Predicting workplace aggression: a meta-analysis. MS Hershcovis, N Turner, J Barling, KA Arnold, KE Dupré, M Inness, ... Journal of applied Psychology 92 (1), 228, 2007 | 1504 | 2007 |
High-performance work systems and occupational safety. A Zacharatos, J Barling, RD Iverson Journal of applied psychology 90 (1), 77, 2005 | 1493 | 2005 |
Taking stock: A review of more than twenty years of research on empowerment at work GM Spreitzer Handbook of organizational behavior 1, 54-72, 2008 | 1481 | 2008 |
“Incivility, social undermining, bullying… oh my!”: A call to reconcile constructs within workplace aggression research MS Hershcovis Journal of organizational behavior 32 (3), 499-519, 2011 | 1396 | 2011 |
Greening organizations through leaders' influence on employees' pro‐environmental behaviors JL Robertson, J Barling Journal of organizational behavior 34 (2), 176-194, 2013 | 1323 | 2013 |
Prevalence and stability of physical aggression between spouses: a longitudinal analysis. KD O'Leary, J Barling, I Arias, A Rosenbaum, J Malone, A Tyree Journal of consulting and Clinical Psychology 57 (2), 263, 1989 | 1098 | 1989 |
Towards a multi‐foci approach to workplace aggression: A meta‐analytic review of outcomes from different perpetrators MS Hershcovis, J Barling Journal of organizational Behavior 31 (1), 24-44, 2010 | 1057 | 2010 |
Transformational leadership and moral reasoning. N Turner, J Barling, O Epitropaki, V Butcher, C Milner Journal of applied Psychology 87 (2), 304, 2002 | 888 | 2002 |
Self-efficacy beliefs and sales performance J Barling, R Beattie Journal of Organizational Behavior Management 5 (1), 41-51, 1983 | 824 | 1983 |
Leadership development as an intervention in occupational health psychology EK Kelloway, J Barling Work & Stress 24 (3), 260-279, 2010 | 770 | 2010 |
Transformational leadership and employee psychological well-being: The mediating role of employee trust in leadership EK Kelloway, N Turner, J Barling, C Loughlin Work & Stress 26 (1), 39-55, 2012 | 760 | 2012 |
Young workers' work values, attitudes, and behaviours C Loughlin, J Barling Journal of occupational and organizational Psychology 74 (4), 543-558, 2001 | 756 | 2001 |
Knowledge work as organizational behavior EK Kelloway, J Barling International journal of management reviews 2 (3), 287-304, 2000 | 734 | 2000 |
Transformational Leadership and Sports Performance: The Mediating Role of Intrinsic Motivation1 D Charbonneau, J Barling, EK Kelloway Journal of applied social psychology 31 (7), 1521-1534, 2001 | 699 | 2001 |
Interactional, formal, and distributive justice in the workplace: An exploratory study J Barling, M Phillips the Journal of Psychology 127 (6), 649-656, 1993 | 654 | 1993 |
High-quality work, job satisfaction, and occupational injuries. J Barling, EK Kelloway, RD Iverson Journal of applied psychology 88 (2), 276, 2003 | 647 | 2003 |