Ozan Kuru
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Improving social media measurement in surveys: Avoiding acquiescence bias in Facebook research
O Kuru, J Pasek
Computers in Human Behavior 57, 82-92, 2016
How trust in experts and media use affect acceptance of common anti-vaccination claims
D Stecula, O Kuru, KH Jamieson
The Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Misinformation Review 1 (1), https://doi …, 2020
Motivated reasoning in the perceived credibility of public opinion polls
O Kuru, J Pasek, MW Traugott
Public opinion quarterly 81 (2), 422-446, 2017
Social by definition: How users define social platforms and why it matters
L Rhee, JB Bayer, DS Lee, O Kuru
Telematics and informatics 59, 101538, 2021
Explaining Health Misinformation Belief through News, Social, and Alternative Health Media Use: The Moderating Roles of Need for Cognition and Faith in Intuition
Y Wu, O Kuru, SW Campbell, L Baruh
Health Communication, 2022
The Effects of Scientific Messages and Narratives about Vaccination
O Kuru, DA Stecula, H Lu, Y Ophir, MPS Chan, K Winneg, ...
Policy Views and Negative Beliefs About Vaccines in the United States, 2019
D Stecula, O Kuru, D Albarracin, KH Jamieson
American Journal of Public Health, https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/ab, 2020
Understanding and measuring mobile Facebook use: Who, why, and how?
O Kuru, J Bayer, J Pasek, SW Campbell
Mobile Media & Communication 5 (1), 102-120, 2017
Intentions to seek information about the influenza vaccine: the role of informational subjective norms, anticipated and experienced affect, and information insufficiency among …
H Lu, APPC 2018–2019 ASK Group, K Winneg, KH Jamieson, ...
Risk Analysis 40 (10), 2040-2056, 2020
Religious Affiliation and Philosophical and Moral Beliefs about Vaccines: A Longitudinal Study
O Kuru, MPS Chan, H Lu, D Stecula, K Hall Jamieson, D Albarracin
Journal of Health Psychology, 2022
When Polls Disagree: How Competitive Results and Methodological Quality Shape Partisan Perceptions of Polls and Electoral Predictions
O Kuru, J Pasek, M Traugott
International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 2019
Encountering and correcting misinformation on WhatsApp: The roles of user motivations and trust in messaging group members
O Kuru, SW Campbell, JB Bayer, L Baruh, and, R Ling
Disinformation in the global south, 88-107, 2022
Who Gets Exposed to Political Misinformation in a Hybrid Media Environment? The Case of the 2019 Indonesian Election
TA Neyazi, AYK Ng, O Kuru, B Muhtadi
Social Media and Society, 2022
The Great and Powerful Dr. Oz? Alternative Health Media Consumption and Vaccine Views in the United States
DA Stecula, M Motta, O Kuru, KH Jamieson
Journal of Communication, 2022
COVID-19 News Exposure and Vaccinations: A Moderated Mediation of Digital News Literacy Behavior and Vaccine Misperceptions
Y Wu, O Kuru, DH Kim, S Kim
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20, 2023
Motivated Mobilization: The Role of Emotions in the Processing of Poll Messages
TA Neyazi, O Kuru
The International Journal of Press/Politics, 2022
How trust in experts and media use affect acceptance of common anti-vaccination claims. The Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review. January 14, 2020
DA Stecula, O Kuru, KH Jamieson
When pundits weigh in: Do expert and partisan critiques in news reports shape ordinary individuals’ interpretations of polls?
O Kuru, J Pasek, M Traugott
Mass Communication and Society, 2020
Comparing social media use and political engagement: Toward a valid measurement strategy
O Kuru, J Pasek
Social media and politics: A new way to participate in the political process …, 2016
Partisan Bias in COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories: News Reliance and the Moderating Role of Trust in Health Authorities
Y Wu, O Kuru, L Baruh, A Çarkoğlu, Z Cemalcılar, K Yıldırım
Health Communication, 2024
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