From rulers' dwellings to temples: architecture, religion and society in early iron age Greece: 1100-700 BC AM Ainian (No Title), 1997 | 391 | 1997 |
From Rulers' Dwellings to Temples: Architecture A Mazarakis Ainian Religion and Society in Early Iron Age Greece (1100-700 BC), Jonsered, 1997 | 206 | 1997 |
Geometric Eretria AM Ainian Antike Kunst, 3-24, 1987 | 77 | 1987 |
Reflections on hero cults in early Iron Age Greece AM Ainian na, 1999 | 69 | 1999 |
The archaeology of basileis AM Ainian | 61 | 2006 |
Oropos in the early Iron Age A Mazarakis Ainian Euboica: l’Eubea e la presenza euboica in Calcidia e in occidente, 179-215, 1998 | 60 | 1998 |
Architecture and social structure in early iron age Greece AM Ainian British School at Athens Studies, 157-168, 2007 | 55 | 2007 |
The “Dark Ages” Revisited A Mazarakis Ainian Acts of the International Symposium in Memory of WDE Coulson. University of …, 2011 | 49 | 2011 |
From huts to houses in early iron age Greece AM Ainian From Hut to Houses: Transformations of Ancient Societies, Proceedings of an …, 2001 | 49 | 2001 |
Recent excavations at Oropos (northern Attica) A Mazarakis Ainian Excavating classical culture: recent archaeological discoveries in Greece …, 2002 | 48 | 2002 |
From Rulers' Dwellings to Temples. Architecture AM Ainian Religion and Society in Early Iron Age Greece (1100‒700 BC), SIMA 121, 1997 | 41 | 1997 |
Contribution à l'étude de l'architecture religieuse grecque des Ages Obscurs A Mazarakis-Ainian L'Antiquité classique, 5-48, 1985 | 37 | 1985 |
Forging identity in Early Iron Age Greece: implications of the metalworking evidence from Oropos RCP Doonan, A Mazarakis Ainian Oropos and Euboea in the Early Iron Age. Acts of an international round …, 2004 | 34 | 2004 |
Five years of archaeological excavation at the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age site of Mitrou, East Lokris (2004–2008): preliminary results A Van de Moortel, E Zahou 3rd Archaeological Meeting of Thessaly and Central Greece 2006e2008. From …, 2012 | 31 | 2012 |
A. Mazarakis Ainian M Ainian From Rulers’ Dwellings to Temples: Architecture, Religion and Society in …, 1997 | 31 | 1997 |
Kea-Kythnos: history and archaeology LG Mendoni, AJ Mazarakis Ainian (No Title), 1998 | 30 | 1998 |
Late Bronze Age apsidal and oval buildings in Greece and adjacent areas A Mazarakis-Ainian Annual of the British School at Athens 84, 269-288, 1989 | 29 | 1989 |
Early Greek Temples AM Ainian A Companion to Greek Architecture, 15-30, 2016 | 27 | 2016 |
Oropos: the infant and child inhumations from the settlement (late 8th-early 7th centuries BC) V Vlachou, A Mazarakis Ainian Oropos and Euboea in the Early Iron Age, Acts of an International Round …, 2007 | 27 | 2007 |
Inside the adyton of a Greek temple. Excavations on Kythnos (Cyclades) AM Ainian Bar International Series 1455, 87, 2005 | 25 | 2005 |