The new landslide inventory of Tuscany (Italy) updated with PS-InSAR: geomorphological features and landslide distribution A Rosi, V Tofani, L Tanteri, C Tacconi Stefanelli, A Agostini, F Catani, ... Landslides 15 (10.1007/s10346-017-0861-4), 5-19, 2017 | 268 | 2017 |
Landslides triggered by rainfall: A semi-automated procedure to define consistent intensity–duration thresholds S Segoni, G Rossi, A Rosi, F Catani Computers & Geosciences 63, 123-131, 2014 | 162 | 2014 |
Analysing the relationship between rainfalls and landslides to define a mosaic of triggering thresholds for regional-scale warning systems S Segoni, A Rosi, G Rossi, F Catani, N Casagli Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 14 (9), 2637-2648, 2014 | 131 | 2014 |
Rainfall thresholds for rainfall-induced landslides in Slovenia A Rosi, T Peternel, M Jemec-Auflič, M Komac, S Segoni, N Casagli Landslides 13, 1571-1577, 2016 | 117 | 2016 |
An operational landslide early warning system at regional scale based on space–time-variable rainfall thresholds S Segoni, A Battistini, G Rossi, A Rosi, D Lagomarsino, F Catani, S Moretti, ... Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 15 (4), 853-861, 2015 | 117 | 2015 |
Statistical and environmental analyses for the definition of a regional rainfall threshold system for landslide triggering in Tuscany (Italy) A Rosi, S Segoni, F Catani, N Casagli Journal of Geographical Sciences 22, 617-629, 2012 | 114 | 2012 |
Application of a physically based model to forecast shallow landslides at a regional scale T Salvatici, V Tofani, G Rossi, M D'Ambrosio, C Tacconi Stefanelli, ... Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 18 (7), 1919-1935, 2018 | 112 | 2018 |
Combination of rainfall thresholds and susceptibility maps for dynamic landslide hazard assessment at regional scale S Segoni, V Tofani, A Rosi, F Catani, N Casagli Frontiers in Earth Science 6, 85, 2018 | 110 | 2018 |
Brief communication: Using averaged soil moisture estimates to improve the performances of a regional-scale landslide early warning system S Segoni, A Rosi, D Lagomarsino, R Fanti, N Casagli NHESS 18, 807-812, 2018 | 97 | 2018 |
Usage of antecedent soil moisture for improving the performance of rainfall thresholds for landslide early warning MT Abraham, N Satyam, A Rosi, B Pradhan, S Segoni Catena 200, 105147, 2021 | 79 | 2021 |
Quantitative comparison between two different methodologies to define rainfall thresholds for landslide forecasting D Lagomarsino, S Segoni, A Rosi, G Rossi, A Battistini, F Catani, ... Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 15 (10), 2413-2423, 2015 | 72 | 2015 |
Landslide displacement forecasting using deep learning and monitoring data across selected sites L Nava, E Carraro, C Reyes-Carmona, S Puliero, K Bhuyan, A Rosi, ... Landslides 20 (10), 2111-2129, 2023 | 71 | 2023 |
Updating EWS rainfall thresholds for the triggering of landslides A Rosi, D Lagomarsino, G Rossi, S Segoni, A Battistini, N Casagli Natural Hazards 78, 297-308, 2015 | 70 | 2015 |
Subsidence evolution of the Firenze–Prato–Pistoia plain (Central Italy) combining PSI and GNSS data M Del Soldato, G Farolfi, A Rosi, F Raspini, N Casagli Remote Sensing 10 (7), 1146, 2018 | 68 | 2018 |
Definition of 3D rainfall thresholds to increase operative landslide early warning system performances A Rosi, S Segoni, V Canavesi, A Monni, A Gallucci, N Casagli Landslides 18, 1045-1057, 2021 | 66 | 2021 |
A regional-scale landslide warning system based on 20 years of operational experience S Segoni, A Rosi, R Fanti, A Gallucci, A Monni, N Casagli Water 10 (10), 1297, 2018 | 64 | 2018 |
The selection of rain gauges and rainfall parameters in estimating intensity-duration thresholds for landslide occurrence: case study from Wayanad (India) MT Abraham, N Satyam, A Rosi, B Pradhan, S Segoni Water 12 (4), 1000, 2020 | 62 | 2020 |
Landslides in the mountain region of Rio de Janeiro: a proposal for the semi-automated definition of multiple rainfall thresholds A Rosi, V Canavesi, S Segoni, T Dias Nery, F Catani, N Casagli Geosciences 9 (5), 203, 2019 | 60 | 2019 |
Subsidence mapping at regional scale using persistent scatters interferometry (PSI): The case of Tuscany region (Italy) A Rosi, V Tofani, A Agostini, L Tanteri, CT Stefanelli, F Catani, N Casagli International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 52 …, 2016 | 60 | 2016 |
Different approaches to use morphometric attributes in landslide susceptibility mapping based on meso-scale spatial units: A case study in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) V Canavesi, S Segoni, A Rosi, X Ting, T Nery, F Catani, N Casagli Remote Sensing 12 (11), 1826, 2020 | 53 | 2020 |