Financial risk allocation and provider incentives in hospital–insurer contracts in The Netherlands CS Gajadien, PJG Dohmen, F Eijkenaar, FT Schut, EM van Raaij, ... The European Journal of Health Economics 24 (1), 125-138, 2023 | 19 | 2023 |
A new approach to preferred provider selection in health care PJG Dohmen, EM van Raaij Health Policy 123 (3), 300-305, 2019 | 17 | 2019 |
Does competition improve hospital performance: a DEA based evaluation from the Netherlands P Dohmen, M van Ineveld, A Markus, L van der Hagen, J van de Klundert The European Journal of Health Economics 24 (6), 999-1017, 2023 | 10 | 2023 |
Implementing value-based healthcare using a digital health exchange platform to improve pregnancy and childbirth outcomes in urban and rural Kenya P Dohmen, T De Sanctis, E Waiyaiya, W Janssens, T Rinke de Wit, ... Frontiers in public health 10, 1040094, 2022 | 9 | 2022 |
De startende marktwerking in de gezondheidszorg M van Ineveld, P Dohmen, K Redekop Economisch-Statistische Berichten 91 (4494), 470-473, 2006 | 5 | 2006 |
Implementing a Comprehensive Value-based Healthcare System to Improve Pregnancy and Childbirth Outcomes in Urban and Rural Kenya. P Dohmen, T De Sanctis, E Waiyaiya, W Janssens, TFR de Wit, N Spieker, ... | 1 | 2021 |
Peter Dohmen,*, Teresa De Sanctis, Emma Waiyaiya, Wendy Janssens, Tobias Rinke de Wit, Nicole Spieker, Mark Van der Graaf and Erik M. Van Raaij P Dohmen Global Surgery: The Next Frontier in Global Public Health, 56, 2023 | | 2023 |
Nieuwe dynamiek tussen zorgverzekeraar en zorgaanbieder P Dohmen, D van Deurssen, J van der Rijt, E van Raaij Deal!, 22-25, 2015 | | 2015 |
Prestatie-inkoop in de zorg: een wereldprimeur P Dohmen, E van Raaij, J van der Rijt Deal!, 26-29, 2014 | | 2014 |
Europese aanbesteding door ziekenfondsen en ziekenhuizen-actuele ontwikkelingen P Dohmen, HH Hermans, M Buijsen Zorg & Financiering 6, 9-23, 2002 | | 2002 |