The importance of job autonomy, cognitive ability, and job-related skill for predicting role breadth and job performance. FP Morgeson, K Delaney-Klinger, MA Hemingway Journal of applied psychology 90 (2), 399, 2005 | 852 | 2005 |
Are telecommuters remotely good citizens? Unpacking telecommuting's effects on performance via i‐deals and job resources RS Gajendran, DA Harrison, K Delaney‐Klinger Personnel psychology 68 (2), 353-393, 2015 | 542 | 2015 |
Self-presentation processes in job analysis: a field experiment investigating inflation in abilities, tasks, and competencies. FP Morgeson, K Delaney-Klinger, MS Mayfield, P Ferrara, MA Campion Journal of Applied Psychology 89 (4), 674, 2004 | 189 | 2004 |
The return of online grocery shopping: a comparative analysis of Webvan and Tesco’s operational methods K Delaney-Klinger, K K. Boyer, M Frohlich The TQM Magazine 15 (3), 187-196, 2003 | 109 | 2003 |
The belonging model of trust JR Knapp, TA Sprinkle, MJ Urick, KA Delaney‐Klinger Nonprofit Management and Leadership 30 (1), 133-153, 2019 | 23 | 2019 |
Faculty transitions in online delivery: Make or buy? Tips for developing a'new to you'online course K Delaney-Klinger, J Vanevenhoven, R Wagner, J Chenoweth Journal of College Teaching & Learning (Online) 11 (1), 45, 2014 | 12 | 2014 |
How to Get in the" First Pile". J Vanevenhoven, K Delaney-Klinger, D Winkel, R Wagner American Journal of Business Education 4 (8), 19-24, 2011 | 4 | 2011 |
Transition to career and career development JK Ambrose, KA Delaney-Klinger, K Hoeppner, L Ngo, P Polly Field guide to ePortfolio, 60, 2017 | 3 | 2017 |
Impression management in the employment interview: Translating a desired image into desirable behaviors KA Delaney-Klinger Michigan State University, 2005 | 1 | 2005 |