J Emili Aura Tortosa
J Emili Aura Tortosa
Dept. Prehistòria i Arqueologia, Universitat de València
E-mail megerősítve itt: uv.es
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
The Upper Paleolithic in Mediterranean Spain: A review of current evidence
V Villaverde, JE Aura, CM Barton
Journal of World Prehistory 12, 121-198, 1998
Plant economy of hunter-gatherer groups at the end of the last Ice Age: plant macroremains from the cave of Santa Maira (Alacant, Spain) ca. 12000–9000 b.p.
JE Aura, Y Carrión, E Estrelles, GP Jorda
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 14, 542-550, 2005
Long-term socioecology and contingent landscapes
CM Barton, J Bernabeu, JE Aura, O Garcia, S Schmich, L Molina
Journal of archaeological method and theory 11, 253-295, 2004
Big game and small prey: Paleolithic and Epipaleolithic economy from Valencia (Spain)
JE Aura, V Villaverde, M Pérez Ripoll, R Martínez Valle, PM Guillem
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 9 (3), 215-268, 2002
El magdaleniense mediteráneo: la cova del Parpalló:(Gandía, Valencia)
JEA Tortosa
Servicio de Investigación Prehistórica, Diputación Provincial de Valencia, 1995
The far South: the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in Nerja cave (Andalucía, Spain).
JE Aura, JF Jordá, M Pérez-Ripoll, MJ Rodrigo, P Badal, E., Guillem
Quaternary International 93-94, 19-30, 2002
Dynamic landscapes, artifact taphonomy, and landuse modeling in the western Mediterranean
CM Barton, J Bernabeu, JE Aura, O Garcia, N La Roca
Geoarchaeology: An International Journal 17 (2), 155-190, 2002
Isotope evidence for the use of marine resources in the Eastern Iberian Mesolithic
DC Salazar-García, JE Aura, CR Olària, S Talamo, JV Morales, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 42, 231-240, 2014
Epipaleolítico-Mesolítico en las comarcas centrales valencianas
MJR García, CV Cebrián, JEA Tortosa, YC Marco, OG Puchol, PJ Giner, ...
El mesolítico de muescas y denticulados en la cuenca del Ebro y el litoral …, 2006
Al oeste del edén: las primeras sociedades agrícolas en la Europa mediterránea
J Bernabeu, JE Aura, E Badal
Síntesis, 1993
Land-use dynamics and socioeconomic change: an example from the Polop Alto Valley
CM Barton, J Bernabeu, JE Aura, O Garcia
American Antiquity 64 (4), 609-634, 1999
El Mesolítico geométrico de tipo “Cocina” en el País Valenciano
BM Oliver, JEA Tortosa, JJ Cabanilles, OG Puchol, JFL de Pablo
Monografías arqueológicas 44, 205-258, 2009
El abric de la Falguera (Alcoi, Alacant): 8.000 años de ocupación humana en la cabecera del río de Alcoi
O García Puchol, JE Aura Tortosa
El abric de la Falguera (Alcoi, Alacant): 8.000 años de ocupación humana en …, 2006
The Pleistocene–Holocene transition in the Iberian Peninsula: continuity and change in human adaptations
JE Aura, V Villaverde, MG Morales, CG Sainz, J Zilhão, LG Straus
Quaternary International 49, 87-103, 1998
Bayesian chronological analyses consistent with synchronous age of 12,835–12,735 Cal BP for Younger Dryas boundary on four continents
JP Kennett, DJ Kennett, BJ Culleton, JE Aura Tortosa, JL Bischoff, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (32), E4344-E4353, 2015
Human responses to Younger Dryas in the Ebro valley and Mediterranean watershed (Eastern Spain)
JE Aura Tortosa, JF Jordá, L Montes, P Utrilla
Quaternary International 242 (2), 348-359, 2011
Big game and small prey: Paleolithic and Epipaleolithic economy from Valencia (Spain)
JEA Tortosa, VV Bonilla, MP Ripoll, RM Valle, PG Calatayud
Journal of Archaeological method and Theory 9, 215-268, 2002
Economic transitions in finis terra the western Mediterranean of Iberia, 15–7 ka BP
J Aura, J Jordá, J Morales, M Pérez, MP Villalba, J Alcover
Before farming 2009 (2), 1-17, 2009
Medio físico y corredores naturales: notas sobre el poblamiento paleolítico del País Valenciano
JEA Tortosa, JF Peris, MPF García
Recerques del Museu d'Alcoi, 89-107, 1993
The Solutrean–Magdalenian transition: a view from Iberia
JE Aura, M Tiffagom, JFJ Pardo, E Duarte, JF de la Vega, D Santamaria, ...
Quaternary International 272, 75-87, 2012
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