Olaf Owe
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
An Asynchronous Communication Model for Distributed Concurrent Objects
EB Johnsen, O Owe
Software & Systems Modeling 6 (1), 39–58, 2007
An Asynchronous Communication Model for Distributed Concurrent Objects
EB Johnsen, O Owe
Journal of Software and Systems Modeling 6 (1), 39–58, 0
Creol: A type-safe object-oriented model for distributed concurrent systems
EB Johnsen, O Owe, IC Yu
Theoretical Computer Science 365 (1-2), 23-66, 2006
ANNA A Language for Annotating Ada Programs
DC Luckham, FW von Henke, B Krieg-Brückner, O Owe
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1987
Partial logics reconsidered: A conservative approach
O Owe
Formal Aspects of Computing 5, 208-223, 1993
Formal development with ABEL
OJ Dahl, O Owe
International Symposium of VDM Europe, 320-362, 1991
An approach to program reasoning based on a first order logic for partial functions
O Owe
University of Oslo, Institute of Informatics, 1985
Verification of concurrent objects with asynchronous method calls
J Dovland, EB Johnsen, O Owe
IEEE International Conference on Software-Science, Technology & Engineering …, 2005
Compositional reasoning about active objects with shared futures
CC Din, O Owe
Formal Aspects of Computing 27, 551-572, 2015
Observable behavior of distributed systems: Component reasoning for concurrent objects
CC Din, J Dovland, EB Johnsen, O Owe
The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 81 (3), 227-256, 2012
A run-time environment for concurrent objects with asynchronous method calls
EB Johnsen, O Owe, EW Axelsen
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 117, 375-392, 2005
A sound and complete reasoning system for asynchronous communication with shared futures
CC Din, O Owe
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 83 (5-6), 360-383, 2014
Object-oriented specification and open distributed systems
EB Johnsen, O Owe
From Object-Orientation to Formal Methods: Essays in Memory of Ole-Johan …, 2004
Group selection by nodes in wireless sensor networks using coalitional game theory
F Kazemeyni, EB Johnsen, O Owe, I Balasingham
2011 16th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer …, 2011
A transformational proof system for delta-oriented programming
F Damiani, O Owe, J Dovland, I Schaefer, EB Johnsen, IC Yu
Proceedings of the 16th International Software Product Line Conference …, 2012
Lazy behavioral subtyping
J Dovland, EB Johnsen, O Owe, M Steffen
The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 79 (7), 578-607, 2010
Formal methods and the RM-ODP
OJ Dahl, O Owe
Research Report 261, Dept. of informatics, Univ. of Oslo, 1998
A compositional formalism for object viewpoints
EB Johnsen, O Owe
Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems V: IFIP TC6/WG6. 1 …, 2002
Dynamic resource reallocation between deployment components
EB Johnsen, O Owe, R Schlatte, SL Tapia Tarifa
International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, 646-661, 2010
Preliminary report on the specification and programming language ABEL
OJ Dahl, DF Langmyhr, O Owe
Institute of Informatics, University of Oslo, 1986
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