Tyler P Cobb
Tyler P Cobb
University of Alberta / Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute
E-mail megerősítve itt: ualberta.ca
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Impacts of salvage logging on biodiversity: A meta‐analysis
S Thorn, C Bässler, R Brandl, PJ Burton, R Cahall, JL Campbell, J Castro, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 55 (1), 279-289, 2018
The contribution of insects to global forest deadwood decomposition
S Seibold, W Rammer, T Hothorn, R Seidl, MD Ulyshen, J Lorz, ...
Nature 597 (7874), 77-81, 2021
Effects of experimental greenhouse warming on phytoplankton and zooplankton communities in fishless alpine ponds
AL Strecker, TP Cobb, RD Vinebrooke
Limnology and Oceanography 49 (4), 1182-1190, 2004
The response of boreal forest songbird communities to fire and post-fire harvesting
JL Morissette, TP Cobb, RM Brigham, PC James
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 32 (12), 2169-2183, 2002
Biodiversity and multiple disturbances: boreal forest ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) responses to wildfire, harvesting, and herbicide
TP Cobb, DW Langor, JR Spence
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37 (8), 1310-1323, 2007
Estimating retention benchmarks for salvage logging to protect biodiversity
S Thorn, A Chao, KB Georgiev, J Müller, C Bässler, JL Campbell, J Castro, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 4762, 2020
Saproxylic insect assemblages in Canadian forests: diversity, ecology, and conservation
DW Langor, HEJ Hammond, JR Spence, J Jacobs, TP Cobb
The Canadian Entomologist 140 (4), 453-474, 2008
Effects of habitat structure and lid transparency on pitfall catches
ID Phillips, TP Cobb
Environmental Entomology 34 (4), 875-882, 2005
Salvage logging, edge effects, and carabid beetles: connections to conservation and sustainable forest management
ID Phillips, TP Cobb, JR Spence, RM Brigham
Environmental Entomology 35 (4), 950-957, 2006
Wood-feeding beetles and soil nutrient cycling in burned forests: implications of post-fire salvage logging
TP Cobb, KD Hannam, BE Kishchuk, DW Langor, SA Quideau, ...
Agricultural and Forest Entomology 12 (1), 9, 2010
Effects of postfire salvage logging on deadwood‐associated beetles
TP Cobb, JL Morissette, JM Jacobs, MJ Koivula, JR Spence, DW Langor
Conservation Biology 25 (1), 94-104, 2011
Soil mites as bioindicators of disturbance in the boreal forest in northern Alberta, Canada: Testing taxonomic sufficiency at multiple taxonomic levels
ML Meehan, Z Song, LM Lumley, TP Cobb, H Proctor
Ecological Indicators 102, 349-365, 2019
Responses of two Sericoda Kirby, 1837 (Coleoptera: Carabidae) species to forest harvesting, wildfire, and burn severity
M Koivula, T Cobb, A Déchêne, J Jacobs, J Spence
Entomologica Fennica 17 (3), 315–324-315–324, 2006
Unravelling cryptic species diversity in eastern Nearctic paper wasps, Polistes (Fuscopolistes), using male genitalia, morphometrics and DNA barcoding, with …
M Buck, TP Cobb, JK Stahlhut, RH Hanner
Swimmer’s itch in Canada: a look at the past and a survey of the present to plan for the future
MA Gordy, TP Cobb, PC Hanington
Environmental Health 17, 1-18, 2018
Maintaining saproxylic insects in Canada’s extensively managed boreal forests: a review
DW Langor, JR Spence, HEJ Hammond, J Jacobs, TP Cobb
Insect biodiversity and dead wood: Proceedings of a symposium for the 22nd …, 2006
Food web consequences of size‐based predation and vertical migration of an invertebrate predator (Leptodora kindtii)
RJ Vogt, B Matthews, TP Cobb, MD Graham, PR Leavitt
Limnology and Oceanography 58 (5), 1790-1801, 2013
Data and information management for the monitoring of biodiversity in Alberta
P Sólymos, SF Morrison, J Kariyeva, J Schieck, DL Haughland, ET Azeria, ...
Wildlife Society Bulletin 39 (3), 472-479, 2015
Effects of natural land cover, anthropogenic disturbance, space, and climate on oribatid mite communities in Canada’s oil sands region
LM Lumley, ET Azeria, VA Giacobbo, TP Cobb
Diversity 15 (4), 469, 2023
Fire and insects: managing naturally disturbed forests to conserve ecological values
HA Cooke, J Morissette, T Cobb, D Reid
Wildlife Conservation Society Canada Conservation Report, 2019
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