Transportation into a story increases empathy, prosocial behavior, and perceptual bias toward fearful expressions DR Johnson Personality and individual differences 52 (2), 150-155, 2012 | 532 | 2012 |
Automating creativity assessment with SemDis: An open platform for computing semantic distance RE Beaty, DR Johnson Behavior research methods 53 (2), 757-780, 2021 | 345 | 2021 |
Participants at your fingertips: Using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk to increase student–faculty collaborative research DR Johnson, LA Borden Teaching of Psychology 39 (4), 245-251, 2012 | 233 | 2012 |
Reading narrative fiction reduces Arab-Muslim prejudice and offers a safe haven from intergroup anxiety DR Johnson, DM Jasper, S Griffin, BL Huffman Social cognition 31 (5), 578-598, 2013 | 194 | 2013 |
Potentiating empathic growth: Generating imagery while reading fiction increases empathy and prosocial behavior. DR Johnson, GK Cushman, LA Borden, MS McCune Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 7 (3), 306, 2013 | 176 | 2013 |
Emotional attention set-shifting and its relationship to anxiety and emotion regulation. DR Johnson Emotion 9 (5), 681, 2009 | 167 | 2009 |
Goal-directed attentional deployment to emotional faces and individual differences in emotional regulation DR Johnson Journal of research in personality 43 (1), 8-13, 2009 | 159 | 2009 |
Transportation into literary fiction reduces prejudice against and increases empathy for Arab-Muslims DR Johnson Scientific Study of Literature 3 (1), 77-92, 2013 | 132 | 2013 |
Changing race boundary perception by reading narrative fiction DR Johnson, BL Huffman, DM Jasper Basic and Applied Social Psychology 36 (1), 83-90, 2014 | 108 | 2014 |
Semantic distance: An automated measure of creativity that is novel and appropriate. DJP Heinen, DR Johnson Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 12 (2), 144, 2018 | 106 | 2018 |
Individuals lower in working memory capacity are particularly vulnerable to anxiety's disruptive effect on performance DR Johnson, SD Gronlund Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 22 (2), 201-213, 2009 | 101 | 2009 |
A randomised controlled study of the effects of the attention training technique on traumatic stress symptoms, emotional attention set shifting and flexibility S Callinan, D Johnson, A Wells Cognitive Therapy and Research 39, 4-13, 2015 | 80 | 2015 |
Semantic distance and the alternate uses task: Recommendations for reliable automated assessment of originality RE Beaty, DR Johnson, DC Zeitlen, B Forthmann Creativity Research Journal 34 (3), 245-260, 2022 | 75 | 2022 |
Need for cognition as a predictor of psychosocial identity development D Njus, DR Johnson The Journal of Psychology 142 (6), 645-655, 2008 | 74 | 2008 |
Divergent semantic integration (DSI): Extracting creativity from narratives with distributional semantic modeling DR Johnson, JC Kaufman, BS Baker, JD Patterson, B Barbot, AE Green, ... Behavior Research Methods 55 (7), 3726-3759, 2023 | 68 | 2023 |
Reliability and construct validity of the Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics (ANAM) mood scale DR Johnson, AS Vincent, AE Johnson, K Gilliland, RE Schlegel Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 23 (1), 73-85, 2008 | 62 | 2008 |
Reflecting on explanatory ability: A mechanism for detecting gaps in causal knowledge. DR Johnson, MP Murphy, RM Messer Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 145 (5), 573, 2016 | 47 | 2016 |
Initial clinical validation of an embedded performance validity measure within the automated neuropsychological metrics (ANAM) TM Roebuck-Spencer, AS Vincent, K Gilliland, DR Johnson, DB Cooper Archives of clinical neuropsychology 28 (7), 700-710, 2013 | 45 | 2013 |
Detecting subtle expressions: Older adults demonstrate automatic and controlled positive response bias in emotional perception. DR Johnson, WL Whiting Psychology and Aging 28 (1), 172, 2013 | 40 | 2013 |
The neglect of idea diversity in creative idea generation and evaluation. DR Johnson, AS Cuthbert, ME Tynan Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 15 (1), 125, 2021 | 31 | 2021 |