Saccadic eye movements and cognition SP Liversedge, JM Findlay Trends in cognitive sciences 4 (1), 6-14, 2000 | 1214 | 2000 |
The effect of plausibility on eye movements in reading. K Rayner, T Warren, BJ Juhasz, SP Liversedge Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 30 (6), 1290, 2004 | 528 | 2004 |
The Oxford handbook of eye movements S Liversedge, I Gilchrist, S Everling Oxford University Press, 2011 | 523 | 2011 |
Reading spaced and unspaced Chinese text: evidence from eye movements. X Bai, G Yan, SP Liversedge, C Zang, K Rayner Journal of experimental psychology: Human perception and performance 34 (5 …, 2008 | 452 | 2008 |
Eye movements and word skipping during reading: effects of word length and predictability. K Rayner, TJ Slattery, D Drieghe, SP Liversedge Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 37 (2), 514, 2011 | 418 | 2011 |
Raeding wrods with jubmled lettres: There is a cost K Rayner, SJ White, SP Liversedge University of Leicester, 2006 | 383 | 2006 |
Syntactic priming: Investigating the mental representation of language HP Branigan, MJ Pickering, SP Liversedge, AJ Stewart, TP Urbach Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 24, 489-506, 1995 | 362 | 1995 |
Eye movements and measures of reading time SP Liversedge, KB Paterson, MJ Pickering Eye guidance in reading and scene perception, 55-75, 1998 | 320 | 1998 |
Reading disappearing text: Cognitive control of eye movements K Rayner, SP Liversedge, SJ White, D Vergilino-Perez Psychological science 14 (4), 385-388, 2003 | 306 | 2003 |
Eye movements in reading and information processing: Keith Rayner’s 40 year legacy C Clifton Jr, F Ferreira, JM Henderson, AW Inhoff, SP Liversedge, ... Journal of Memory and Language 86, 1-19, 2016 | 299 | 2016 |
Eye movements when reading transposed text: the importance of word-beginning letters. SJ White, RL Johnson, SP Liversedge, K Rayner Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 34 (5 …, 2008 | 241 | 2008 |
Word length and landing position effects during reading in children and adults HSSL Joseph, SP Liversedge, HI Blythe, SJ White, K Rayner Vision Research 49 (16), 2078-2086, 2009 | 234 | 2009 |
Evidence against competition during syntactic ambiguity resolution RPG Van Gompel, MJ Pickering, J Pearson, SP Liversedge Journal of Memory and Language 52 (2), 284-307, 2005 | 225 | 2005 |
Eye movements when reading disappearing text: The importance of the word to the right of fixation K Rayner, SP Liversedge, SJ White Vision research 46 (3), 310-323, 2006 | 219 | 2006 |
Using EZ Reader to examine the concurrent development of eye-movement control and reading skill ED Reichle, SP Liversedge, D Drieghe, HI Blythe, HSSL Joseph, SJ White, ... Developmental Review 33 (2), 110-149, 2013 | 213 | 2013 |
On the processing of meaning from parafoveal vision during eye fixations in reading K Rayner, SJ White, G Kambe, B Miller, SP Liversedge The mind's eye, 213-234, 2003 | 210 | 2003 |
Eye movements and the modulation of parafoveal processing by foveal processing difficulty: A reexamination SJ White, K Rayner, SP Liversedge Psychonomic bulletin & review 12, 891-896, 2005 | 209 | 2005 |
Encoding multiple words simultaneously in reading is implausible ED Reichle, SP Liversedge, A Pollatsek, K Rayner Trends in cognitive sciences 13 (3), 115-119, 2009 | 200 | 2009 |
The influence of morphological information on cataphoric pronoun assignment. RPG Van Gompel, SP Liversedge Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 29 (1), 128, 2003 | 198 | 2003 |
Visual information capture during fixations in reading for children and adults HI Blythe, SP Liversedge, HSSL Joseph, SJ White, K Rayner Vision research 49 (12), 1583-1591, 2009 | 194 | 2009 |