Larissa Rabbiosi
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Linking HRM and knowledge transfer via individual‐level mechanisms
DB Minbaeva, K Mäkelä, L Rabbiosi
Human Resource Management 51 (3), 387-405, 2012
Subsidiary roles and reverse knowledge transfer: An investigation of the effects of coordination mechanisms
L Rabbiosi
Journal of International Management 17 (2), 97-113, 2011
Reverse knowledge transfer in MNEs: subsidiary innovativeness and entry modes
R Mudambi, L Piscitello, L Rabbiosi
Long Range Planning 47 (1-2), 49-63, 2014
Parent company benefits from reverse knowledge transfer: The role of the liability of newness in MNEs
L Rabbiosi, GD Santangelo
Journal of world Business 48 (1), 160-170, 2013
Acquisitions by EMNCs in developed markets: An organisational learning perspective
L Rabbiosi, S Elia, F Bertoni
Management International Review 52, 193-212, 2012
Technological similarity, post-acquisition R&D reorganization, and innovation performance in horizontal acquisitions
MG Colombo, L Rabbiosi
Research Policy 43 (6), 1039-1054, 2014
The impact of inward FDI on local companies’ labour productivity: evidence from the Italian case
L Piscitello, L Rabbiosi
International Journal of the Economics of Business 12 (1), 35-51, 2005
“High performance” work practices, decentralization, and profitability: evidence from panel data
MG Colombo, M Delmastro, L Rabbiosi
Industrial and Corporate Change 16 (6), 1037-1067, 2007
Host country corruption and the organization of HQ–subsidiary relationships
L Rabbiosi, GD Santangelo
Journal of International Business Studies 50, 111-124, 2019
Simultaneous versus sequential complementarity in the adoption of technological and organizational innovations: the case of innovations in the design sphere
G Battisti, MG Colombo, L Rabbiosi
Industrial and corporate change 24 (2), 345-382, 2015
Outward FDI from the BRICS: trends and patterns of acquisitions in advanced countries
F Bertoni, S Elia, L Rabbiosi
Emerging economies and firms in the global crisis, 47-82, 2013
How does knowledge transfer from foreign subsidiaries affect parent companies' innovative capacity?
L Fiscitello, L Rabbiosi
Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics, 2006
Coping with favoritism in recruitment and selection: a communal perspective
J Hotho, D Minbaeva, M Muratbekova-Touron, L Rabbiosi
Journal of Business Ethics 165, 659-679, 2020
Organizing for external knowledge sourcing
MG Colombo, L Rabbiosi, T Reichstein
European Management Review 8 (3), 111-116, 2011
Should I stay or should I go? How Danish MNEs in Russia respond to a geopolitical shift
M Mol, L Rabbiosi, G Santangelo
AIB Insights, 2023
Not walking the talk? How host country cultural orientations may buffer the damage of corporate values’ misalignment in multinational corporations
D Minbaeva, L Rabbiosi, GK Stahl
Journal of World Business 53 (6), 880-895, 2018
Diaspora ownership and homeland firms' internationalization
L Rabbiosi, A Gregorič, T Stucchi
Journal of International Management 25 (3), 100661, 2019
Diaspora ownership and international technology licensing by emerging market firms
A Gregorič, L Rabbiosi, GD Santangelo
Journal of International Business Studies 52, 671-691, 2021
The evolution of reverse knowledge transfer within multinational corporations
L Rabbiosi, PD Milano
Triple Helix 5 (3), 213-226, 2005
More inward FDI? Medium-term effects of foreign acquisitions on target company productivity
L Piscitello, L Rabbiosi
Applied Economics Quarterly 50, 21-40, 2004
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