Andrew Whitworth
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Human disturbance impacts on rainforest mammals are most notable in the canopy, especially for larger‐bodied species
A Whitworth, C Beirne, R Pillco Huarcaya, SJ Serrano Rojas, M Tobler, ...
Diversity & Distributions, 1-13, 2019
The potential and practice of arboreal camera trapping
JF Moore, K Soanes, D Balbuena, C Beirne, M Bowler, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2021
Out on a limb: arboreal camera traps as an emerging methodology for inventorying elusive rainforest mammals
A Whitworth, LD Braunholtz, R Pillco Huarcaya, R MacLeod, C Beirne
Tropical Conservation Science 9 (2), 675-698, 2016
Past Human Disturbance Effects upon Biodiversity are Greatest in the Canopy; A Case Study on Rainforest Butterflies
A Whitworth, J Villacampa, A Brown, R Pillco Huarcaya, R Downie, ...
PLOS ONE 11 (3), 2016
Riparian buffer length is more influential than width on river water quality: a case study in southern Costa Rica
H Brumberg, C Beirne, EN Broadbent, AM Almeyda Zambrano, ...
Journal of Environmental Management, 2021
An investigation into the determining factors of zoo visitor attendances in UK zoos
AW Whitworth
PloS one 7 (1), e29839, 2012
How much potential biodiversity and conservation value can a regenerating rainforest provide? A ‘best-case scenario’approach from the Peruvian Amazon.
A Whitworth, R Downie, R von May, J Villacampa, R MacLeod
Tropical Conservation Science 9 (1), 224-245, 2016
Phylogenetic relationships and systematics of the Amazonian poison frog genus Ameerega using ultraconserved genomic elements
WX Guillory, CM French, EM Twomey, G Chávez, I Prates, R von May, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 142, 106638, 2020
Reptiles of the Yachana Reserve
A Whitworth, C Beirne
Global Vision International, 130 pp, 2011
Altitudinal differences in alpha, beta and functional diversity of an amphibian community in a biodiversity hotspot
J Villacampa, A Whitworth, L Allen, JE Malo
Neotropical Biodiversity 5 (1), 60-68, 2019
Amphibians of the Manu Learning Centre and other areas of the Manu region
J Villacampa, J Serrano-Rojas, A Whitworth
https://www.researchgate.net/publication …, 2017
Methods matter: Different biodiversity survey methodologies identify contrasting biodiversity patterns in a human modified rainforest — A case study with amphibians
A Whitworth, J Villacampa, SJ Serrano Rojas, R Downie, R MacLeod
Ecological Indicators 72, 821-832, 2017
Camera trapping reveals a diverse and unique high-elevation mammal community under threat
RP Huarcaya, C Beirne, SJS Rojas, A Whitworth
Oryx, 1-8, 2019
Acoustic assessment of experimental reforestation in a Costa Rican rainforest
Á Vega-Hidalgo, E Flatt, A Whitworth, L Symes
Ecological Indicators 133, 108413, 2021
Human disturbance and shifts in vertebrate community composition in a biodiversity hotspot
JSV Soto, C Beirne, A Whitworth, JCC Diaz, E Flatt, R Pillco-Huarcaya, ...
Conservation Biology, 2021
Recovering secondary forest is utilized by Great Curassow (Crax rubra) and Great Tinamou (Tinamus major) in the absence of hunting
A Whitworth, C Beirne, E Flatt, R Pillco Huarcaya, JC Cruz Diaz, A Forsyth, ...
The Condor 120 (4), 852-862, 2018
Food for thought. Rainforest carrion-feeding butterflies are more sensitive indicators of disturbance history than fruit feeders
A Whitworth, R Pillco Huarcaya, H Gonzalez Mercado, L Braunholtz, ...
Biological Conservation 217, 383-390, 2018
Herpetofaunal responses to anthropogenic habitat change within a small forest reserve in Eastern Ecuador
C Beirne, O Burdekin, A Whitworth
The Herpetological Journal 23 (4), 209-209, 2013
Arboreal wildlife bridges in the tropical rainforest of Costa Rica's Osa Peninsula
E Flatt, A Basto, C Pinto, J Ortiz, K Navarro, N Reed, H Brumberg, ...
Folia Primatologica, 2022
First evidence for multimodal animal seed dispersal in orchids
AP Karremans, D Bogarín, MF Otárola, J Sharma, C Watteyn, J Warner, ...
Current Biology 33 (2), 364-371. e3, 2023
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