Ángeles Marrero Díaz
Ángeles Marrero Díaz
Profesora del Departamento de Física (ULPGC)
E-mail megerősítve itt: ulpgc.es
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Coupling between the open ocean and the coastal upwelling region off northwest Africa: water recirculation and offshore pumping of organic matter
JL Pelegrí, J Arístegui, L Cana, M González-Dávila, A Hernández-Guerra, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 54 (1-4), 3-37, 2005
The Canary Eddy Corridor: A major pathway for long-lived eddies in the subtropical North Atlantic
P Sangrà, A Pascual, Á Rodríguez-Santana, F Machín, E Mason, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 56 (12), 2100-2114, 2009
The Bransfield current system
P Sangrà, C Gordo, M Hernandez-Arencibia, A Marrero-Díaz, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 58 (4), 390-402, 2011
Nutrient irrigation of the North Atlantic
JL Pelegrí, A Marrero-Díaz, AW Ratsimandresy
Progress in Oceanography 70 (2-4), 366-406, 2006
Life history of an anticyclonic eddy
P Sangra, JL Pelegrí, A Hernández‐Guerra, I Arregui, JM Martín, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 110 (C3), 2005
On the nature of oceanic eddies shed by the Island of Gran Canaria
P Sangrà, M Auladell, A Marrero-Díaz, JL Pelegrí, E Fraile-Nuez, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 54 (5), 687-709, 2007
Hydrographic cruises off northwest Africa: the Canary Current and the Cape Ghir region
JL Pelegrí, A Marrero-Díaz, A Ratsimandresy, A Antoranz, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 54 (1-4), 39-63, 2005
Temporal variability of mass transport in the Canary Current
A Hernández-Guerra, F Machın, A Antoranz, J Cisneros-Aguirre, C Gordo, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 49 (17), 3415-3426, 2002
Dynamical characteristics of the Cape Verde frontal zone
P Pérez Rodríguez, JL Pelegrí, Á Marrero-Díaz
CSIC-Instituto de Ciencias del Mar (ICM), 2001
Near-surface circulation in the southern Gulf of Cádiz
F Machín, JL Pelegrí, A Marrero-Díaz, I Laiz, AW Ratsimandresy
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 53 (11-13), 1161-1181, 2006
The Bransfield gravity current
P Sangrà, A Stegner, M Hernández-Arencibia, Á Marrero-Díaz, C Salinas, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 119, 1-15, 2017
A mesoscale study of phytoplankton assemblages around the South Shetland Islands (Antarctica)
C García-Muñoz, LM Lubián, CM García, Á Marrero-Díaz, P Sangra, ...
Polar biology 36, 1107-1123, 2013
Anatomy of a subtropical intrathermocline eddy
B Barceló-Llull, P Sangrà, E Pallàs-Sanz, ED Barton, SN Estrada-Allis, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 124, 126-139, 2017
A five-year climatology of back-trajectories from the Izaña baseline station, Tenerife, Canary Islands
P Sancho, J De La Cruz, A Diaz, F Martin, E Hernandez, F Valero, ...
Atmospheric Environment. Part A. General Topics 26 (6), 1081-1096, 1992
Meridional changes in water mass distributions off NW Africa during November 2007/2008
MV Pastor, J Peña-Izquierdo, JL Pelegrí, Á Marrero-Díaz
Ciencias Marinas 38 (1B), 223-244, 2012
Diapycnal mixing in Gulf Stream meanders
A Rodríguez‐Santana, JL Pelegrí, P Sangrà, A Marrero‐Díaz
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 104 (C11), 25891-25912, 1999
Drivers of plankton distribution across mesoscale eddies at submesoscale range
N Hernández-Hernández, J Arístegui, MF Montero, E Velasco-Senovilla, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 667, 2020
Coupling between upper ocean layer variability and size-fractionated phytoplankton in a non-nutrient-limited environment
P Sangrà, C García-Muñoz, CM García, Á Marrero-Díaz, C Sobrino, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 499, 35-46, 2014
Carbon export through zooplankton active flux in the Canary Current
S Hernández-León, S Putzeys, C Almeida, P Bécognée, A Marrero-Díaz, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 189, 12-21, 2019
Steep shelf stabilization of the coastal Bransfield Current: Linear stability analysis
FJ Poulin, A Stegner, M Hernández-Arencibia, A Marrero-Díaz, P Sangrà
Journal of physical oceanography 44 (2), 714-732, 2014
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