Staffan Marklund
Staffan Marklund
Professor of work and health science, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
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Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Predicting perceived employability: human capital or labour market opportunities?
E Berntson, M Sverke, S Marklund
Economic and Industrial democracy 27 (2), 223-244, 2006
The relationship between perceived employability and subsequent health
E Berntson, S Marklund
Work & Stress 21 (3), 279-292, 2007
Nordic social policy
M Kautto, M Heikkilä, B Hvinden, S Marklund, N Ploug
Changing Welfare States, Routledge, London, 1999
Illness, disease, and sickness absence: an empirical test of differences between concepts of ill health
A Wikman, S Marklund, K Alexanderson
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 59 (6), 450-454, 2005
Consequences of sickness presence and sickness absence on health and work ability: a Swedish prospective cohort study
K Gustafsson, S Marklund
International journal of occupational medicine and environmental health 24 …, 2011
Positive and negative reasons for sickness presenteeism in Norway and Sweden: a cross-sectional survey
V Johansen, G Aronsson, S Marklund
BMJ open 4 (2), e004123, 2014
Workplace interventions for neck pain in workers
RW Aas, H Tuntland, KA Holte, C Røe, T Lund, S Marklund, A Moller
Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 2011
Paradise lost
S Marklund
Lund: Arkiv, 1988
What is healthy work for women and men?–A case-control study of gender-and sector-specific effects of psycho-social working conditions on long-term sickness absence
U Lidwall, S Marklund
Work 27 (2), 153-163, 2006
Den höga sjukfrånvaron-problem och lösningar
S Marklund, M Bjurvald, C Hogstedt, E Palmer, T Theorell
Arbetslivsinstitutet, 2005
Can individual health differences be explained by workplace characteristics?—A multilevel analysis
S Marklund, M Bolin, J von Essen
Social Science & Medicine 66 (3), 650-662, 2008
Ett friskt arbetsliv Fysiska och psykosociala orsakssamband samt möjligheter till prevention och tidig rehabilitering
K Jeding, GM Hägg, S Marklund, Å Nygren, T Theorell, E Vingård
rapport nr.: Arbete och Hälsa 1999: 22, 1999
Work status, work hours and health in women with and without children
B Floderus, M Hagman, G Aronsson, S Marklund, A Wikman
Occupational and environmental medicine 66 (10), 704-710, 2009
Dual welfare: segmentation and work enforcement in the Swedish welfare system
S Marklund, S Svallfors
Work–family interference and long-term sickness absence: a longitudinal cohort study
U Lidwall, S Marklund, M Voss
European journal of public health 20 (6), 676-681, 2010
Trends in long‐term sickness absence in Sweden 1992–2008: the role of economic conditions, legislation, demography, work environment and alcohol consumption
U Lidwall, S Marklund
International Journal of Social Welfare 20 (2), 167-179, 2011
Organisatoriska faktorers betydelse för långa sjukskrivningar i kommuner
S Szücs, Ö Hemström, S Marklund
rapport nr.: Arbete och Hälsa 2003: 06, 2003
Self-reported health in mothers: the impact of age, and socioeconomic conditions
B Floderus, M Hagman, G Aronsson, S Marklund, A Wikman
Women & health 47 (2), 63-86, 2008
Sweden before and after social democracy: A first overview
G Therborn, A Kjellberg, S Marklund, U Öhlund
Acta Sociologica 21 (1_suppl), 37-58, 1978
Associations between health and combinations of sickness presence and absence
K Gustafsson, S Marklund
Occupational Medicine 64 (1), 49-55, 2014
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