Caatinga revisited: ecology and conservation of an important seasonal dry forest UP de Albuquerque, E de Lima Araújo, ACA El-Deir, ALA de Lima, ... The Scientific World Journal 2012, 2012 | 355 | 2012 |
Structure and usage of the vocal repertoire of Callithrix jacchus BM Bezerra, A Souto International Journal of Primatology 29 (3), 671-701, 2008 | 223 | 2008 |
The Common Marmoset: An Overview of its Natural History, Ecology and Behavior N Schiel, A Souto Developmental Neurobiology, 2016 | 111 | 2016 |
Feeding behavior of the longsnout seahorse Hippocampus reidi Ginsburg, 1933 A Karina, C Felicio, IL Rosa, A Souto, RHA Freitas Journal of Ethology 24 (3), 219-225, 2006 | 85 | 2006 |
Critically endangered blonde capuchins fish for termites and use new techniques to accomplish the task A Souto, CBC Bione, M Bastos, BM Bezerra, D Fragaszy, N Schiel Biology Letters 7 (4), 532-535, 2011 | 78 | 2011 |
The role of mammals in local communities living in conservation areas in the Northeast of Brazil: an ethnozoological approach. RS de Melo, OC da Silva, A Souto, RR Nóbrega Alves, N Schiel Tropical Conservation Science 7 (3), 2014 | 70 | 2014 |
Infanticide and cannibalism in a free‐ranging plurally breeding group of common marmosets (Callithrix Jacchus) BM Bezerra, ADS Souto, N Schiel American Journal of Primatology 69 (8), 945-952, 2007 | 68 | 2007 |
Laboratory and field evaluation of an oviposition trap for Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae) RMR Barbosa, A Souto, AE Eiras, L Regis Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 102 (4), 523-529, 2007 | 64 | 2007 |
Predation by the tayra on the common marmoset and the pale-throated three-toed sloth BM Bezerra, AA Barnett, A Souto, G Jones Journal of Ethology 27 (1), 91-96, 2009 | 63 | 2009 |
Behavior of the estuarine dolphin, Sotalia guianensis, at Dolphin Bay–Pipa–Rio Grande do Norte–Brazil JP Araújo, JZO Passavante, AS Souto Tropical Oceanography 29 (2), 13-23, 2001 | 60 | 2001 |
Adaptability in stone tool use by wild capuchin monkeys (Sapajus libidinosus) BLC De Moraes, A Da Silva Souto, N Schiel American journal of primatology 76 (10), 967-977, 2014 | 57 | 2014 |
Can wild common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) solve the parallel strings task? LG Halsey, BM Bezerra, AS Souto Animal cognition 9 (3), 229-233, 2006 | 55 | 2006 |
Feeding ecology and behavioral adjustments: flexibility of a small neotropical primate (Callithrix jacchus) to survive in a semiarid environment F Abreu, MFC De la Fuente, N Schiel, A Souto Mammal Research, 1-9, 2016 | 54 | 2016 |
The maintenance of traditions in marmosets: individual habit, not social conformity? A field experiment MB Pesendorfer, T Gunhold, N Schiel, A Souto, L Huber, F Range Plos one 4 (2), e4472, 2009 | 54 | 2009 |
Camera trap observations of nonhabituated critically endangered wild blonde capuchins, Sapajus flavius (formerly Cebus flavius) BM Bezerra, M Bastos, A Souto, MP Keasey, P Eason, N Schiel, G Jones International Journal of Primatology 35 (5), 895-907, 2014 | 53 | 2014 |
People’s perception on animal welfare: why does it matter? MF De la Fuente, A Souto, C Caselli, N Schiel Ethnobiology and Conservation 6, 2018 | 47 | 2018 |
Contaminant concentrations, biochemical and hematological biomarkers in blood of West Indian manatees< i> Trichechus manatus</i> from Brazil DG Anzolin, JES Sarkis, E Diaz, DG Soares, IL Serrano, JCG Borges, ... Marine Pollution Bulletin 64 (7), 1402-1408, 2012 | 47 | 2012 |
Etologia: princípios e reflexões A Souto Editora Universitária UFPE, 2003 | 47 | 2003 |
Hunting strategies in wild common marmosets are prey and age dependent N Schiel, A Souto, L Huber, BM Bezerra American Journal of Primatology 72 (12), 1039-1046, 2010 | 46 | 2010 |
The response of marine tucuxis (Sotalia fluviatilis) towards tourist boats involves avoidance behaviour and a reduction in foraging ML Carrera, EGP Favaro, A Souto Animal Welfare 17 (2), 117-123, 2008 | 43 | 2008 |