Dr.Thammanoon Hengsadeekul
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
English as a medium of instruction in Thai universities: A review of literature
R Koul, S Kaewkuekool
selected topics in education and education technology: Proceedings from the …, 2010
Customer satisfaction on service quality of bus transport: A survey of passengers from Phnom Penh to Poipet in Cambodia
S Ok, T Hengsadeekul
Journal of Social Science Studies 5 (2), 114-131, 2018
Use of vetiver grass ash as cement replacement materials
P Nimityongskul, S Panichnava, T Hengsadeekul
ICV-3 held in Guangzhou, China, 6-9, 2003
Supply chain risk management of organic rice in Thailand
P Pakdeenarong, T Hengsadeekul
Uncertain Supply Chain Management 8 (1), 165-174, 2020
Environmental issues and social responsibility: A scientomeric analysis using citespace
Z Zeng, T Hengsadeekul
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 1419, 2020
The construction of vetiver-clay composite storage bin
P Nimityongskul, T Hengsadeekul
Summary Report of the Royal Project Foundation for Vetiver Grass Technology …, 2002
Utilization of vetiver grass as construction material for paddy storage
T Hengsadeekul, P Nimityongskul
ICV-3 held in Guangzhou, China, 6-9, 2003
Construction of Paddy Storage Silo Using Vetiver Grass and Clay
T Hengsadeekul, P Nimityongskul
Assumption University Journal of Technolgy 7 (3), 120-128, 2004
An analysis of the development factors of rail freight transport in Thailand: a structural equation modeling approach
O Buthphorm, V Sukhotu, T Hengsadeekul
Infrastructures 9 (7), 102, 2024
Web of science based visual knowledge mapping analysis of synergy development of environment and society
Z Zeng, Y Shen, T Hengsadeekul, J Yang
Annals of Operations Research, 1-20, 2021
Appropriate technology for low-cost housing by using precast vetiver grass-clay composite
T Hengsadeekul, P Nimityongskul
Journal of Ferrocement 35 (3), 628-640, 2005
Causal Relationship Model of Supply Chain Risk of Organic Rice in Thailand
P Pakdeenarong, T Hengsadeekul
Journal of Social Science Studies 6 (2), Journal of Social Science Studies, 2019
Development of Eco-Guide Post for Traffic Safety in Rural Areas by Using Hybrid Vetiver-Clay Composites
R Parichatprecha, T Hengsadeegul, N Hinchiranan
The 5 th International Conference on Vetiver, Lucknow, India, 28-31, 2011
Rail transport policy, budgetary and factors accelerating toward the rail freight modal shift among stakeholders in Thailand
O Buthphorm, V Sukhotu, T Hengsadeekul
Journal of Business Administration The Association of Private Higher …, 2024
การ จัดสรร งบประมาณ ที่ เหมาะสม ให้ กับ หน่วย งาน รับผิดชอบ ด้าน การ บำรุง รักษา ทาง ถนน อย่าง มี ประสิทธิภาพ
C Jomdech, V Sukhotu, T Hengsadeekul
Rajapark Journal 18 (60), 215-233, 2024
แนวทาง การ เพิ่ม ราย ได้ เกษตรกร จาก การ จัดการ ฟาง ข้าว เพื่อ การ หยุด เผา บน พื้นที่ เกษตรกรรม ใน ประเทศไทย
A Watanaputi, T Hengsadeekul
Rajapark Journal 18 (59), 1-14, 2024
Road network model in Thailand for highly efficient transportation
C Jomdech, V Sukhotu, T Hengsadeekul
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 8 (5), 6104, 2024
Strategic Management Model for Megaproject Social Responsibility in Supply Chain: The Chinese International Contractor Perspective Operating in Thailand
Z ZENG, Z Zeng, T Hengsadeekul
Naresuan University, 2021
SWOT analysis of exporting fruits and vegetables from Yunnan Province to Thailand under the Belt and Road Initiative
N Li, T Hengsadeekul
Solid State Technology, 2659-2665, 2020
Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problems Research Based on Nantian Logistics Company
XFT Hengsadeekul
NIDA International Conference for Case Studies on Development Administration …, 2016
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