New cryptogamic records. 4 IV Czernyadjeva, OM Afonina, DV Ageev, EZ Baisheva, TM Bulyonkova, ... Новости систематики низших растений 53, 431-479, 2019 | 34 | 2019 |
Lichens of the former manors in the Smolensk Region of Russia LV Gagarina, SV Chesnokov, LA Konoreva, IS Stepanchikova, ... Новости систематики низших растений 54, 93-116, 2020 | 21 | 2020 |
New and rare lichens and allied fungi from the Novgorod Region, Russia IS Stepanchikova, LV Gagarina, OA Kataeva Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 50, 49-55, 2013 | 17 | 2013 |
Lichens and allied fungi of the Ragusha River Protected Area (Leningrad Region, Russia) ES Kuznetsova, OA Kataeva, DE Himelbrant, J Motiejūnaitė Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 53, 71-80, 2016 | 16 | 2016 |
New lichen records from the Novgorod Region, Russia GM Tagirdzhanova, OA Kataeva, IS Stepanhcikova Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 51, 103-107, 2014 | 14 | 2014 |
Handbook of the lichens of Russia 10 MP Andreev, AA Dobrysh, NS Golubkova, DE Himelbrant, OA Kataeva, ... Nauka, St. Petersburg, 2008 | 10 | 2008 |
New and interesting lichens for Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) SV Chesnokov, LA Konoreva, LN Poryadina, ES Kuznetsova, ... Vestnik Tverskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya “Biologiya i …, 2015 | 9 | 2015 |
Lichens and lichenicolous fungi OA Kataeva Cadaster of flora of Novgorod Region. Veliky Novgorod, 247-254, 2009 | 8 | 2009 |
Some new and interesting lichens for Tyumen Region and Western Siberia OA Kataeva, II Makarova, GS Taran, VN Tyurin Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium 39, 198-202, 2005 | 7 | 2005 |
Ramalina sekika (Ramalinaceae), a new species for the lichen flora of Russia from the Far East OA Kataeva Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rasteniy 48, 256-263, 2014 | 5 | 2014 |
Lichens of Ob΄ River floodplain in the surroundings of Surgut city (Tyumen΄ region, Western Siberia) OA Kataeva, II Makarova, GS Taran, VN Tyurin Novit. Syst. Pl. non Vasc.[Academia Scientiarum Rossica] 38, 186-199, 2005 | 5 | 2005 |
The lichens of Bogoroditskoe manor park (Vyazemski District, Smolensk Region) LV Gagarina, SV Chesnokov, LA Konoreva, IS Stepanchikova, ... Vestnik Tverskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya: Biologiya i …, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
Umbilicaria aprina and U. rhizinata (Umbilicariaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) in Russia EA Davydov, LS Yakovchenko, TM Kharpukhaeva, EV Zheludeva, ... Turczaninowia 27 (1), 92-101, 2024 | 2 | 2024 |
New records of the genus Ramalina (Lecanorales, Ascomycota) in Dagestan with a key to species AB Ismailov, SV Volobuev, OA Kataeva Turczaninowia 26 (4), 31-38, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Floodplain meadows plant forage resources of the Central Siberian nature reserve VD Kazmin, PV Kochkarev, DS Zarubin, OA Kataeva, SV Chinenko Rastitelʹnye resursy 60 (3), 21-43, 2024 | | 2024 |
Antimicrobial activity of fungal extracts identified from thirty-two lichen species GM Mamytbekova, VA Shevtsov, OA Kataeva, G Serikbay, YM Suleimen Bulletin of the Karaganda University “Biology medicine geography Series …, 2024 | | 2024 |
Calogaya elvebakkiana (Teloschistaceae), a new combination and a new lichen species to Russia IV Frolov, GS Evdokimov, OA Kataeva Новости систематики низших растений 56, 405-412, 2022 | | 2022 |