Pengkun  Liu
Pengkun Liu
Graduate Student of Electrical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
E-mail megerősítve itt: utexas.edu
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
15-kV/40-A FREEDM supercascode: A cost-effective SiC high-voltage and high-frequency power switch
X Song, AQ Huang, S Sen, L Zhang, P Liu, X Ni
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 53 (6), 5715-5727, 2017
High-efficiency and high-density single-phase dual-mode cascaded buck–boost multilevel transformerless PV inverter with GaN AC switches
Q Huang, AQ Huang, R Yu, P Liu, W Yu
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 34 (8), 7474-7488, 2018
99% efficient 2.5-kW four-level flying capacitor multilevel GaN totem-pole PFC
Q Huang, Q Ma, P Liu, AQ Huang, MA de Rooij
IEEE journal of emerging and selected topics in power electronics 9 (5 …, 2021
Achieving zero switching loss in silicon carbide MOSFET
X Li, X Li, P Liu, S Guo, L Zhang, AQ Huang, X Deng, B Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 34 (12), 12193-12199, 2019
Comparative study of temperature sensitive electrical parameters (TSEP) of Si, SiC and GaN power devices
L Zhang, P Liu, S Guo, AQ Huang
2016 IEEE 4th workshop on wide bandgap power devices and applications (WiPDA …, 2016
Performance evaluation of multiple Si and SiC solid state devices for circuit breaker application in 380VDC delivery system
K Tan, P Liu, X Ni, C Peng, X Song, AQ Huang
2016 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 983-989, 2016
Hierarchical protection architecture for 380V DC data center application
K Tan, X Song, C Peng, P Liu, AQ Huang
2016 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 1-8, 2016
A 3-D Winding Structure for Planar Transformers and Its Applications to LLC Resonant Converters
R Yu, T Chen, P Liu, AQ Huang
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 9 (5 …, 2021
Design and optimization of the high frequency transformer for a 800V/1.2 MHz SiC LLC resonant converter
S Guo, P Liu, L Zhang, AQ Huang
2017 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 5317-5323, 2017
An improved SiC MOSFET-gate driver integrated power module with ultra low stray inductances
L Zhang, P Liu, AQ Huang, S Guo, R Yu
2017 IEEE 5th Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications (WiPDA …, 2017
3kW four-level flying capacitor totem-pole bridgeless PFC rectifier with 200V GaN devices
Q Huang, Q Ma, P Liu, AQ Huang, M de Rooij
2019 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 81-88, 2019
High bandwidth current sensing of SiC MOSFET with a Si current mirror
P Liu, L Zhang, AQ Huang, S Guo, Y Lei
Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications (WiPDA), 2016 IEEE 4th Workshop …, 2016
1200V/200A FREEDM-pair: Loss and cost reduction analysis
X Song, AQ Huang, P Liu, L Zhang
2016 IEEE 4th Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications (WiPDA …, 2016
Analysis and loss comparison of megahertz high voltage isolated DC/DC converters utilizing integrated SiC MOSFET module
S Guo, P Liu, R Yu, L Zhang, AQ Huang
2016 IEEE 4th Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications (WiPDA …, 2016
A 650 v, 2.1 mohm gan half-bridge power module for 400v ev traction inverter application
P Han, P Liu, Q Huang, Z Chen, AQ Huang
2022 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 1-6, 2022
Turn-on gate resistor optimization for paralleled SiC MOSFETs
P Liu, R Yu, AQ Huang, J Strydom
2020 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2810-2814, 2020
An 800V/300 kW, 44 kW/L air-cooled SiC power electronics building block (PEBB)
Z Chen, HS Rizi, C Chen, P Liu, R Yu, AQ Huang
IECON 2021–47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2021
Switching loss model of SiC MOSFET promoting high frequency applications
X Li, X Li, L Yang, AQ Huang, P Liu, X Deng, B Zhang
2019 31st International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs …, 2019
Analysis of trade-off between noise and wide band-gap (WBG) device switching speed
P Liu, S Guo, R Yu, AQ Huang, L Zhang
2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 3483-3489, 2018
Gate driver design and continuous operation of an improved 1200V/200A FREEDM-pair half-bridge power module
L Zhang, X Zhao, X Song, Q Zhu, S Sen, P Liu, J Tong, AQ Huang
2018 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 1261-1265, 2018
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