Cikkek nyilvánosan hozzáférhető megbízással - Gurol SuelTovábbi információ
Valahol hozzáférhető: 34
Ion channels enable electrical communication in bacterial communities
A Prindle, J Liu, M Asally, S Ly, J Garcia-Ojalvo, GM Süel
nature 527 (7576), 59-63, 2015
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Government of Spain
Metabolic co-dependence gives rise to collective oscillations within biofilms
J Liu, A Prindle, J Humphries, M Gabalda-Sagarra, M Asally, DD Lee, ...
nature 523 (7562), 550-554, 2015
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Government of Spain
Localized cell death focuses mechanical forces during 3D patterning in a biofilm
M Asally, M Kittisopikul, P Rué, Y Du, Z Hu, T Çağatay, AB Robinson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (46), 18891-18896, 2012
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Government of Spain
Species-independent attraction to biofilms through electrical signaling
J Humphries, L Xiong, J Liu, A Prindle, F Yuan, HA Arjes, L Tsimring, ...
Cell 168 (1), 200-209. e12, 2017
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense, US National …
Architecture-dependent noise discriminates functionally analogous differentiation circuits
T Çağatay, M Turcotte, MB Elowitz, J Garcia-Ojalvo, GM Süel
Cell 139 (3), 512-522, 2009
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health
Coupling between distant biofilms and emergence of nutrient time-sharing
J Liu, R Martinez-Corral, A Prindle, DD Lee, J Larkin, M Gabalda-Sagarra, ...
Science 356 (6338), 638-642, 2017
Megbízások: US Department of Defense, US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes …
Magnesium flux modulates ribosomes to increase bacterial survival
DL Dong-yeon, L Galera-Laporta, M Bialecka-Fornal, EC Moon, Z Shen, ...
Cell 177 (2), 352-360. e13, 2019
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute …
Biological role of noise encoded in a genetic network motif
M Kittisopikul, GM Süel
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (30), 13300-13305, 2010
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health
Encoding membrane-potential-based memory within a microbial community
CY Yang, M Bialecka-Fornal, C Weatherwax, JW Larkin, A Prindle, J Liu, ...
Cell systems 10 (5), 417-423. e3, 2020
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute …
Signal percolation within a bacterial community
JW Larkin, X Zhai, K Kikuchi, SE Redford, A Prindle, J Liu, S Greenfield, ...
Cell systems 7 (2), 137-145. e3, 2018
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, Howard …
Chromosomal arrangement of phosphorelay genes couples sporulation and DNA replication
J Narula, A Kuchina, DL Dong-yeon, M Fujita, GM Süel, OA Igoshin
Cell 162 (2), 328-337, 2015
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Temporal competition between differentiation programs determines cell fate choice
A Kuchina, L Espinar, T Çağatay, AO Balbin, F Zhang, A Alvarado, ...
Molecular systems biology 7 (1), 557, 2011
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Government of Spain
A genetic timer through noise-induced stabilization of an unstable state
M Turcotte, J Garcia-Ojalvo, GM Süel
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (41), 15732-15737, 2008
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health
Metabolic basis of brain-like electrical signalling in bacterial communities
R Martinez-Corral, J Liu, A Prindle, GM Süel, J Garcia-Ojalvo
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374 (1774), 20180382, 2019
Megbízások: US Department of Defense, US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes …
Electrochemical potential enables dormant spores to integrate environmental signals
K Kikuchi, L Galera-Laporta, C Weatherwax, JY Lam, EC Moon, ...
Science 378 (6615), 43-49, 2022
Megbízások: US Department of Defense, US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes …
Bistable emergence of oscillations in growing Bacillus subtilis biofilms
R Martinez-Corral, J Liu, GM Süel, J Garcia-Ojalvo
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (36), E8333-E8340, 2018
Megbízások: US Department of Defense, US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes …
Capacity for stochastic self-renewal and differentiation in mammalian spermatogonial stem cells
Z Wu, K Luby-Phelps, A Bugde, LA Molyneux, B Denard, WH Li, GM Süel, ...
Journal of Cell Biology 187 (4), 513-524, 2009
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Reversible and noisy progression towards a commitment point enables adaptable and reliable cellular decision-making
A Kuchina, L Espinar, J Garcia-Ojalvo, GM Süel
PLoS computational biology 7 (11), e1002273, 2011
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Government of Spain
Slowdown of growth controls cellular differentiation
J Narula, A Kuchina, F Zhang, M Fujita, GM Süel, OA Igoshin
Molecular systems biology 12 (5), 871, 2016
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, Howard …
A segmentation clock patterns cellular differentiation in a bacterial biofilm
KT Chou, DL Dong-yeon, J Chiou, L Galera-Laporta, S Ly, ...
Cell 185 (1), 145-157. e13, 2022
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute …
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