Yoshimasa Tsuruoka
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Introduction to the bio-entity recognition task at JNLPBA
N Collier, T Ohta, Y Tsuruoka, Y Tateisi, JD Kim
Proceedings of the International Joint Workshop on Natural Language …, 2004
A joint many-task model: Growing a neural network for multiple NLP tasks
K Hashimoto, C Xiong, Y Tsuruoka, R Socher
arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.01587, 2016
Developing a robust part-of-speech tagger for biomedical text
Y Tsuruoka, Y Tateishi, JD Kim, T Ohta, J McNaught, S Ananiadou, ...
Advances in Informatics: 10th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, PCI …, 2005
Traction control of electric vehicle: basic experimental results using the test EV" UOT electric march"
Y Hori, Y Toyoda, Y Tsuruoka
IEEE transactions on Industry Applications 34 (5), 1131-1138, 1998
Bidirectional inference with the easiest-first strategy for tagging sequence data
Y Tsuruoka, J Tsujii
proceedings of human language technology conference and conference on …, 2005
Tree-to-sequence attentional neural machine translation
A Eriguchi, K Hashimoto, Y Tsuruoka
arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.06075, 2016
Stochastic gradient descent training for l1-regularized log-linear models with cumulative penalty
Y Tsuruoka, J Tsujii, S Ananiadou
Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the ACL …, 2009
FACTA: a text search engine for finding associated biomedical concepts
Y Tsuruoka, J Tsujii, S Ananiadou
Bioinformatics 24 (21), 2559-2560, 2008
Extraction of gene-disease relations from Medline using domain dictionaries and machine learning
HW Chun, Y Tsuruoka, JD Kim, R Shiba, N Nagata, T Hishiki, J Tsujii
Biocomputing 2006, 4-15, 2006
Learning to parse and translate improves neural machine translation
A Eriguchi, Y Tsuruoka, K Cho
arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.03525, 2017
Boosting precision and recall of dictionary-based protein name recognition
Y Tsuruoka, J Tsujii
Proceedings of the ACL 2003 workshop on Natural language processing in …, 2003
Discovering and visualizing indirect associations between biomedical concepts
Y Tsuruoka, M Miwa, K Hamamoto, J Tsujii, S Ananiadou
Bioinformatics 27 (13), i111-i119, 2011
Simple customization of recursive neural networks for semantic relation classification
K Hashimoto, M Miwa, Y Tsuruoka, T Chikayama
Proceedings of the 2013 conference on empirical methods in natural language …, 2013
Game-tree search algorithm based on realization probability
Y Tsuruoka, D Yokoyama, T Chikayama
Icga Journal 25 (3), 145-152, 2002
Improving the performance of dictionary-based approaches in protein name recognition
Y Tsuruoka, J Tsujii
Journal of biomedical informatics 37 (6), 461-470, 2004
Learning string similarity measures for gene/protein name dictionary look-up using logistic regression
Y Tsuruoka, J McNaught, J Tsujii, S Ananiadou
Bioinformatics 23 (20), 2768-2774, 2007
Semantic retrieval for the accurate identification of relational concepts in massive textbases
Y Miyao, T Ohta, K Masuda, Y Tsuruoka, K Yoshida, T Ninomiya, J Tsujii
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational …, 2006
Dropout q-functions for doubly efficient reinforcement learning
T Hiraoka, T Imagawa, T Hashimoto, T Onishi, Y Tsuruoka
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.02034, 2021
Integration of metabolic databases for the reconstruction of genome-scale metabolic networks
K Radrich, Y Tsuruoka, P Dobson, A Gevorgyan, N Swainston, G Baart, ...
BMC systems biology 4, 1-16, 2010
Improving the scalability of semi-markov conditional random fields for named entity recognition
D Okanohara, Y Miyao, Y Tsuruoka, J Tsujii
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational …, 2006
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