Prof. Dr. H. Henry Aspan, S.E., S.H., M.A., M.H., M.M., Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. H. Henry Aspan, S.E., S.H., M.A., M.H., M.M., Ph.D.
Master of Law Program, Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi
E-mail megerősítve itt: dosen.pancabudi.ac.id
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
The Effect of Halal Label, Halal Awarness, Product Price, and Brand Image to the Purchasing Decision on Cosmetic Products (Case Study on Consumers of Sari Ayu Martha Tilaar in …
H Aspan, IM Sipayung, AP Muharrami, HM Ritonga
International Journal of Global Sustainability 1 (1), 55-66, 2017
Perjanjian Pengangkutan Barang Loose Cargo Pada Perusahaan Kapal Bongkar Muat
H Aspan, F Fadlan, EA Chikita
Soumatera Law Review 2 (2), 322-334, 2019
Peranan Polri Dalam Penegakan Hukum Ditinjau Dari Sudut Pandang Sosiologi Hukum
H Aspan
Seminar Nasional Menata Legislasi Demi Pembangunan Hukum Nasional 1 (1), 71-82, 2017
Konstruksi Hukum Prinsip Good Governance dalam Mewujudkan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik
H Aspan
Dialogia Iuridica 6 (2), 57 - 64, 2014
Good Corporate Governance Principles in The Management of Limited Liability Company
H Aspan
International Journal of Law Reconstruction 1 (1), 87 - 100, 2017
SWOT Analysis of the Regional Development Strategy City Field Services for Clean Water Needs
H Aspan, F Milanie, M Khaddafi
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences 5 …, 2015
The Moderating Effect of Personality on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: the Case of University Lecturers
H Aspan, ES Wahyuni, S Effendy, S Bahri, MF Rambe, FB Saksono
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) 8 (2S …, 2019
Legal Basis for the Implementation of Work from Home Amid The COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
H Aspan
Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 6 (4), 116 - 121, 2021
The Role of Notaries in the Registration of the Establishment of Commanditaire Vennootschap (CV) through the Business Entity Administration System
H Aspan
Scholars International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice 3 (12), 463-467, 2020
The Effect of Public Participation, Transparency, and Accountability on the Efficiency of the Distribution of the School Operational Support Funds in Tebing Tinggi City (Case …
H Aspan, F Milanie, AK Sari
Malang State University International Conference on Education for Economics …, 2016
Aspek Hukum Dalam Bisnis: Tinjauan Atas Masalah Perlindungan Hukum Pemegang Saham Minoritas dan Masalah Penggabungan Perusahaan (Merger)
H Aspan
Penerbit Halaman Moeka 1, 228, 2017
The Role of Legal History in the Creation of Aspirational Legislation in Indonesia
H Aspan
International Journal of Research and Review 7 (6), 40 - 47, 2020
Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia: Cara Jitu Memilih Perusahaan, Isbn 9786028892088
H Aspan
Pustaka Bangsa Press, Jakarta, 2013
Individual Characteristics and Job Characteristics on Work Effectiveness in the State-Owned Company: the Moderating Effect of Emotional Intelligence
H Aspan, ES Wahyuni, A Prabowo, AN Zahara, IN Sari, Mariyana
International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 13 (6), 761 - 774, 2020
Financial Analysis Of Entrepreneurship Education
ES Wahyuni, H Aspan, P Mauliza
International Journal of Economics and Management Research 2 (3), 10-18, 2023
The Political History of Land Law in Indonesia
H Aspan
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education …, 2020
Combination of Sobel+ Prewitt edge detection method with Roberts+ Canny on passion flower image identification
A Wanto, SD Rizki, S Andini, S Surmayanti, N Ginantra, H Aspan
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1933 (1), 012037, 2021
UNPAB Lecturer Assessment and Performance Model based on Indonesia Science and Technology Index
M Isa Indrawan, B Alamsyah, I Fatmawati, S Shindi Indira, S Nita, ...
Journal of Physics Conference Series 1175 (1), 012268, 2019
The Effect of Local Taxes, Local Levies, General Allocation Funds (DAU), and Special Allocation Funds (DAK) to the Government Capital Expenditures of Banda Aceh City
H Aspan, M Khaddafi, I Lestari
Semarang State University International Conference on Economics, Education …, 2016
The Legal Review of the Mechanism for Determining Injury in the Imposition of Antidumping Duties on Uncoated Writing and Printing Paper in Indonesia
H Aspan, A Setiawan, ES Wahyuni, A Prabowo, AN Zahara
Journal of Namibian Studies 34, 2023
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