Rafael Rodrigues da Cunha
Rafael Rodrigues da Cunha
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Física - PPGEF
E-mail megerősítve itt: aluno.unb.br - Kezdőlap
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Effect of adding single-joint exercises to a multi-joint exercise resistance-training program on strength and hypertrophy in untrained subjects
P Gentil, SRS Soares, MC Pereira, RR Cunha, SS Martorelli, AS Martorelli, ...
Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 38 (3), 341-344, 2013
Determination of the lactate threshold and maximal blood lactate steady state intensity in aged rats
RR Cunha, VN de Carvalho Cunha, PR Segundo, SR Moreira, ...
Cell Biochemistry and Function: Cellular biochemistry and its modulation by …, 2009
What Is the Best Discipline to Predict Overall Triathlon Performance? An Analysis of Sprint, Olympic, Ironman® 70.3, and Ironman® 140.6
CV Sousa, S Aguiar, RR Olher, R Cunha, PT Nikolaidis, E Villiger, ...
Frontiers in physiology 12, 654552, 2021
Muscle fatigue and metabolic responses following three different antagonist pre-load resistance exercises
R Carregaro, R Cunha, CG Oliveira, LE Brown, M Bottaro
Journal of electromyography and kinesiology 23 (5), 1090-1096, 2013
Assessment of aerobic capacity during swimming exercise in ob/ob mice
WS Almeida, LCJ Lima, VNC Cunha, R R Cunha, RC Araújo, CC Barros, ...
Cell biochemistry and function 29 (8), 666-672, 2011
Laser scanner and drone photogrammetry: A statistical comparison between 3-dimensional models and its impacts on outdoor crime scene registration
RR Cunha, CT Arrabal, MM Dantas, HR Bassanelli
Forensic Science International 330, 111100, 2022
Post-exercise blood pressure responses to cycle and arm-cranking
WS De Almeida, LC de Jesus Lima, RR Da Cunha, HG Simões, ...
Science & sports 25 (2), 74-80, 2010
Treinamento de natação na intensidade do limiar anaeróbio melhora a aptidão funcional de ratos idosos
VNC Cunha, RR Cunha, PR Segundo, SR Moreira, HG Simões
Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte 14, 533-538, 2008
Effects of different methods of antagonist muscles pre-activation on knee extensors neuromuscular responses
RL Carregaro, RR Cunha, JR Cardoso, RS Pinto, M Bottaro
Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy 15, 4520-459, 2011
Evidence of validity and reliability of Jumpo 2 and MyJump 2 for estimating vertical jump variables
A Vieira, GL Ribeiro, V Macedo, VAR Junior, R de Souza Baptista, ...
PeerJ 11, e14558, 2023
Effects of short-term isokinetic training with reciprocal knee extensors agonist and antagonist muscle actions: a controlled and randomized trial
R Cunha, RL Carregaro, A Martorelli, A Vieira, AB Oliveira, M Bottaro
Brazilian Journal of physical therapy 17 (2), 137-145, 2013
Oito semanas de treinamento moderado não altera a carga correspondente ao limiar de lactato em ratos idosos.
VNC Cunha, RR Cunha, PR Segundo, ME Pacheco, SR Moreira, ...
Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto 8 (2), 2008
Heart rate cost of running in track estimates velocity associated with maximal oxygen uptake
RR Olher, MM Sales, CV Sousa, RC Sotero, B Madrid, RR Cunha, ...
Physiology & Behavior 205, 33-38, 2019
Efeitos da ordem de pré-ativação dos músculos antagonistas nas respostas neuromusculares dos extensores do joelho
RL Carregaro, RR Cunha, JR Cardoso, RS Pinto, M Bottaro
Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy 15, 4520-459, 2011
Swimming training at anaerobic threshold intensity improves the functional fitness of older rats
VNC Cunha, RR Cunha, PR Segundo, SR Moreira, HG Simões
Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte 14 (6), 533-538, 2008
Docência ubíqua (verbete)
Dicionário crítico de educação e tecnologias e de educação a distância …, 2018
Treinamento isocinético de curto prazo promove aumento da força muscular em indivíduos jovens
R Cunha, AS Martorelli, RL Carregaro, M Bottaro
Motriz: Revista de Educação Física 17, 138-144, 2011
Validity and intra-session reliability of a low-cost device for assessing isometric mid-thigh pull force
D Couto, R Cunha, V Lage, V Rocha-Junior, W Santos, J Ferreira-Junior, ...
Human Movement 24 (2), 52-58, 2023
O tempo do doutorado e o papel das TICs: questões para pesquisa e análise
L Bianchetti, L Turnes, R Cunha
CONJECTURA: filosofia e educação 21 (3), 628-644, 2016
Individual anaerobic threshold prediction through 1 km and 3 km running performance in young soccer players
CSG Campbell, RR Da Cunha, RM Lima, VN De Carvalho Cunha, ...
International SportMed Journal 15 (4), 402-414, 2014
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