Authentic leadership: Development and validation of a theory-based measure FO Walumbwa, BJ Avolio, WL Gardner, TS Wernsing, SJ Peterson Journal of management 34 (1), 89-126, 2008 | 6707 | 2008 |
Leadership: Current theories, research, and future directions BJ Avolio, FO Walumbwa, TJ Weber Annual review of psychology 60 (1), 421-449, 2009 | 6325 | 2009 |
Unlocking the mask: A look at the process by which authentic leaders impact follower attitudes and behaviors BJ Avolio, WL Gardner, FO Walumbwa, F Luthans, DR May The leadership quarterly 15 (6), 801-823, 2004 | 4853 | 2004 |
“Can you see the real me?” A self-based model of authentic leader and follower development WL Gardner, BJ Avolio, F Luthans, DR May, F Walumbwa The leadership quarterly 16 (3), 343-372, 2005 | 4476 | 2005 |
The psychological capital of Chinese workers: Exploring the relationship with performance F Luthans, BJ Avolio, FO Walumbwa, W Li Management and organization review 1 (2), 249-271, 2005 | 2216 | 2005 |
Leader personality traits and employee voice behavior: mediating roles of ethical leadership and work group psychological safety. FO Walumbwa, J Schaubroeck Journal of applied psychology 94 (5), 1275, 2009 | 1989 | 2009 |
Linking ethical leadership to employee performance: The roles of leader–member exchange, self-efficacy, and organizational identification FO Walumbwa, DM Mayer, P Wang, H Wang, K Workman, AL Christensen Organizational behavior and human decision processes 115 (2), 204-213, 2011 | 1608 | 2011 |
Servant leadership, procedural justice climate, service climate, employee attitudes, and organizational citizenship behavior: a cross-level investigation. FO Walumbwa, CA Hartnell, A Oke Journal of applied psychology 95 (3), 517, 2010 | 1581 | 2010 |
Psychological capital and employee performance: A latent growth modeling approach SJ Peterson, F Luthans, BJ Avolio, FO Walumbwa, Z Zhang Personnel psychology 64 (2), 427-450, 2011 | 1178 | 2011 |
Retracted: Psychological processes linking authentic leadership to follower behaviors FO Walumbwa, P Wang, H Wang, J Schaubroeck, BJ Avolio The leadership quarterly 21 (5), 901-914, 2010 | 1155 | 2010 |
Retracted: Authentically leading groups: The mediating role of collective psychological capital and trust FO Walumbwa, F Luthans, JB Avey, A Oke Journal of organizational behavior 32 (1), 4-24, 2011 | 1081 | 2011 |
A meta-analytic review of leadership impact research: Experimental and quasi-experimental studies BJ Avolio, RJ Reichard, ST Hannah, FO Walumbwa, A Chan The leadership quarterly 20 (5), 764-784, 2009 | 1014 | 2009 |
How transformational leadership weaves its influence on individual job performance: The role of identification and efficacy beliefs FO Walumbwa, BJ Avolio, W Zhu Personnel psychology 61 (4), 793-825, 2008 | 952 | 2008 |
Building effective organizations: Transformational leadership, collectivist orientation, work-related attitudes and withdrawal behaviours in three emerging economies FO Walumbwa, JJ Lawler The International Journal of Human Resource Management 14 (7), 1083-1101, 2003 | 860 | 2003 |
The role of collective efficacy in the relations between transformational leadership and work outcomes FO Walumbwa, P Wang, JJ Lawler, K Shi Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 77 (4), 515-530, 2004 | 847 | 2004 |
Moderating role of follower characteristics with transformational leadership and follower work engagement W Zhu, BJ Avolio, FO Walumbwa Group & organization management 34 (5), 590-619, 2009 | 838 | 2009 |
Transformational leadership, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction: A comparative study of Kenyan and US financial firms FO Walumbwa, B Orwa, P Wang, JJ Lawler Human resource development quarterly 16 (2), 235-256, 2005 | 785 | 2005 |
Relationships between authentic leadership, moral courage, and ethical and pro-social behaviors ST Hannah, BJ Avolio, FO Walumbwa Business Ethics Quarterly 21 (4), 555-578, 2011 | 720 | 2011 |
An investigation of the relationships among leader and follower psychological capital, service climate, and job performance FO Walumbwa, SJ Peterson, BJ Avolio, CA Hartnell Personnel psychology 63 (4), 937-963, 2010 | 707 | 2010 |
Transformational leadership, innovative behavior, and task performance: Test of mediation and moderation processes S Aryee, FO Walumbwa, Q Zhou, CA Hartnell Human performance 25 (1), 1-25, 2012 | 706 | 2012 |