Pamela Block
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Estudos da deficiência: interseccionalidade, anticapacitismo e emancipação social
M Gesser, P Block, AG Mello
Estudos da deficiência: anticapacitismo e emancipação social. Curitiba: CRV …, 2020
Pilot study exploring quality of life and barriers to leisure-time physical activity in persons with moderate to severe multiple sclerosis
EA Vanner, P Block, CC Christodoulou, BP Horowitz, LB Krupp
Disability and Health Journal 1 (1), 58-65, 2008
Sexuality, fertility, and danger: Twentieth-century images of women with cognitive disabilities
P Block
Sexuality and disability 18, 239-254, 2000
Fatigue and quality of life in pediatric multiple sclerosis
WS MacAllister, C Christodoulou, R Troxell, M Milazzo, P Block, ...
Multiple Sclerosis Journal 15 (12), 1502-1508, 2009
From pathology to power: Rethinking race, poverty, and disability
P Block, F Balcazar, C Keys
Journal of Disability Policy Studies 12 (1), 18-27, 2001
Occupying disability: Critical approaches to community, justice, and decolonizing disability
P Block, D Kasnitz, A Nishida, N Pollard
Springer, 2015
Allies and obstacles: Disability activism and parents of children with disabilities
AC Carey, P Block, RK Scotch
(No Title), 2020
Deaf studies meets autistic studies
M Friedner, P Block
The Senses and Society 12 (3), 282-300, 2017
Project Shake-It-Up: Using health promotion, capacity building and a disability studies framework to increase self efficacy
P Block, EA Vanner, CB Keys, JH Rimmer, SE Skeels
Disability and rehabilitation 32 (9), 741-754, 2010
Sometimes allies: Parent-led disability organizations and social movements
AC Carey, P Block, RK Scotch
Disability studies quarterly 39 (1), 2019
Sexuality, parenthood, and cognitive disability in Brazil
P Block
Sexuality and Disability 20, 7-28, 2002
Shake-It-Up: health promotion and capacity building for people with spinal cord injuries and related neurological disabilities
P Block, SE Skeels, CB Keys, JH Rimmer
Disability and rehabilitation 27 (4), 185-190, 2005
Não é o corpo que nos discapacita, mas sim a sociedade: a interdisciplinaridade e o surgimento dos estudos sobre deficiência no Brasil e no mundo
AG Mello, AH Nuernberg, P Block
Pesquisa e Extensão: experiências e perspectivas interdisciplinares 1, 91-118, 2014
Smoking rates and smoking cessation among individuals with multiple sclerosis
KB Friend, ST Mernoff, P Block, G Reeve
Disability and Rehabilitation 28 (18), 1135-1141, 2006
Race, poverty and disability: three strikes and you're out! Or are you?
P Block, FE Balcazar, CB Keys
Social Policy 33 (1), 34-38, 2002
Participation, agency and disability in Brazil: transforming psychological practices into public policy from a human rights perspective
M Gesser, P Block, AH Nuernberg
Disability and the global south 6 (2), 1772-1791, 2019
Introducing disability studies to occupational therapy students
P Block, M Ricafrente-Biazon, A Russo, KY Chu, S Sud, L Koerner, ...
The American journal of occupational therapy 59 (5), 554-560, 2005
Institutional utopias, eugenics, and intellectual disability in Brazil
P Block
History and Anthropology 18 (2), 177-196, 2007
Activism, anthropology, and disability studies in times of austerity: in collaboration with Sini Diallo
P Block
Current Anthropology 61 (S21), S68-S75, 2020
4. Historical Perceptions of Autism in Brazil: Professional Treatment, Family Advocacy, and Autistic Pride, 1943–2010
M Rembis, S Burch
Disability histories, 77-97, 2014
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