Jihyang Choi
Jihyang Choi
Associate Professor, Ewha Womans University, South Korea
E-mail megerősítve itt: ewha.ac.kr
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Social media, network heterogeneity, and opinion polarization
JK Lee, J Choi, C Kim, Y Kim
Journal of communication 64 (4), 702-722, 2014
The global journalist in the twenty-first century: A cross-national study of journalistic competencies
L Willnat, DH Weaver, J Choi
Journalism Practice 7 (2), 163-183, 2013
Why do people use news differently on SNSs? An investigation of the role of motivations, media repertoires, and technology cluster on citizens' news-related activities
J Choi
Computers in Human Behavior 54, 249-256, 2016
Investigating the effects of news sharing and political interest on social media network heterogeneity
J Choi, JK Lee
Computers in Human Behavior 44, 258-266, 2015
News internalizing and externalizing: The dimensions of news sharing on online social networking sites
J Choi
Journalism & mass communication quarterly 93 (4), 816-835, 2016
Investigating effects of social media news sharing on the relationship between network heterogeneity and political participation
J Choi, JK Lee, ET Metzgar
Computers in Human Behavior 75, 25-31, 2017
Differential use, differential effects: Investigating the roles of different modes of news use in promoting political participation
J Choi
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 21 (6), 436-450, 2016
Social media as risk-attenuation and misinformation-amplification station: How social media interaction affects misperceptions about COVID-19
J Lee, J Choi, RK Britt
Health communication 38 (6), 1232-1242, 2023
Engagement in Emotional News on Social Media: Intensity and Type of Emotions
J Choi, SY Lee, SW Ji
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 98 (4), 1017-1040, 2021
The media agenda
DH Weaver, J Choi
The Oxford handbook of political communication, 359, 2017
Diversity in foreign news in US newspapers before and after the invasion of Iraq
J Choi
International Communication Gazette 71 (6), 525-542, 2009
'가짜뉴스효과'의 조건: 2017 년 대통령 선거에서 나타난'가짜뉴스효과'의 견인 및 견제 요인: 2017 년 대통령 선거에서 나타난 ‘가짜뉴스효과’의 견인 및 견제 요인
노성종, 최지향, 민영
사이버커뮤니케이션학보 34 (4), 99-149, 2017
News repertoires and political information efficacy: Focusing on the mediating role of perceived news overload
HJ Oh, Z Lor, J Choi
Sage Open 11 (1), 2158244020988685, 2021
SNS 이용과 정치참여: 정치적 사회자본과 정보 및 오락추구 동기의 조절된 매개효과를 중심으로
한국언론학보 60 (5), 123-144, 2016
한국 공영방송 TV 뉴스의 형식적, 내용적 도식에 따른 심층성 분석: KBS< 9 시뉴스> 와 BBC< 10 시뉴스> 의 비교를 중심으로
오해정, 최지향
한국언론학보 63 (5), 152-189, 2019
Korean journalists in the 21st century
YJ Son, ST Kim, J Choi
The global journalist in the 21st century, 66-77, 2012
Confusing effects of fake news on clarity of political information in the social media environment
J Choi, JK Lee
Journalism Practice 16 (10), 2147-2165, 2022
Who is using ChatGPT and why? Extending the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model
S Lee, SM Jones-Jang, M Chung, N Kim, J Choi
Information Research an international electronic journal 29 (1), 54-72, 2024
Effects of online incivility and emotions toward in-groups on cross-cutting attention and political participation
J Lee, J Choi, J Kim
Behaviour & Information Technology 41 (14), 3013-3027, 2022
“Enthusiasm” toward the other side matters: Emotion and willingness to express disagreement in social media political conversation
J Choi, J Lee
The Social Science Journal, online ahead, 2021
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