Олена Чигрин, Бойко, Olena Chygryn
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Економіка підприємства
ЛГ Мельник, ОІ Карінцева, ОВ Кубатко, СА Петровська, ОС Романко, ...
Університетська книга, 2012
Stakeholders of green competitiveness: Innovative approaches for creating communicative system
OY Chygryn, YV Bilan, A Kwilinski
Sumy State University, 2020
The green competitiveness of enterprises: Justifying the quality criteria of digital marketing communication channels
Y Chen, A Kwilinski, O Chygryn, O Lyulyov, T Pimonenko
Sustainability 13 (24), 13679, 2021
Green bonds like the incentive instrument for cleaner production at the government and corporate levels: Experience from EU to Ukraine
OY Chygryn, TV Pimonenko, OV Liulov, AV Honcharova
Journal Of Environmental Management And Tourism, 2019
The ways of corporate sector firms financing for sustainability of performance
OY Chygryn, TV Pimonenko
International Journal of Ecology and Development, 2014
Theoretical and applied aspects of the development of environmental investment in Ukraine
O Chygryn, V Krasniak
Marketing and management of innovations 3, 226-234, 2015
Renewable energy: A bibliometric analysis
A Rosokhata, M Minchenko, L Khomenko, O Chygryn
E3S web of conferences 250, 03002, 2021
Environmental Performance Index: relation between social and economic welfare of the countries
TV Pimonenko, OV Liulov, OY Chygryn
LLC “Consulting Publishing Company “Business Perspectives”, 2018
Biogas as an alternative energy resource for Ukrainian companies: EU experience
Y Yevdokymov, OY Chygryn, TV Pimonenko, OV Liulov
LLC “Consulting Publishing Company “Business Perspectives”, 2018
Assessment of fiscal decentralization influence on social and economic development
O Chygryn, Y Petrushenko, A Vysochyna, A Vorontsova
Montenegrin Journal of Economics 14 (4), 69-84, 2018
National brand as a marketing determinant of macroeconomic stability
O Lyulyov, O Chygryn, T Pimonenko
Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій, 142-152, 2018
Biogas as an alternative energy source in Ukraine and Israel: Current issues and benefits
J Cebula, O Chygryn, SV Chayen, T Pimonenko
International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 21 (5-6 …, 2018
Socio-economic patterns of labor market functioning in the public health: challenges connected with COVID-19
VA Smiianov, TA Vasylieva, OY Chygryn, PM Rubanov, T Mayboroda
Wiadomości Lekarskie, 2020
Why do regions differ in vulnerability to сovid-19? spatial nonlinear modeling of social and economic patterns
OV Kuzmenko, TA Vasylieva, OY Chygryn, S Vojtovič, V Snieška
Economics and sociology, 2020
Social and economic drivers of national economic development: The case of OPEC countries
MSM Abaas, O Chygryn, O Kubatko, T Pimonenko
Problems and Perspectives in Management, 155-168, 2018
Company’s image and greenwashing in the framework of green investment concept
TV Pimonenko, OV Liulov, OY Chygryn
ОНЕУ, 2019
Устойчивое развитие: теория, методология, практика
ЛГ Мельник, ИИ Коблянская, ТВ Несторенко, ТА Акимова, ...
ИТД" Университетская книга", 2009
Green competitiveness: The evolution of concept formation
O Chygryn, A Rosokhata, O Rybina, N Stoyanets
E3S Web of Conferences 234, 00004, 2021
Маркетинг зелених інвестицій: механізм колаборації між основними стейкхолдерами
ТВ Пімоненко, ОВ Люльов, ОЮ Чигрин
ДВНЗ" Приазовський державний технічний університет", 2018
Transport economics and sustainable development in Ukraine
L Hens, LH Melnyk, OM Matsenko, OY Chygryn, CC Gonzales
Sumy State University, 2019
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