Tarja Salmela
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Writing resistance together
P Ahonen, A Blomberg, K Doerr, K Einola, A Elkina, G Gao, J Hambleton, ...
Gender, Work & Organization 27 (4), 447-470, 2020
Living with mosquitoes
A Valtonen, T Salmela, O Rantala
Annals of Tourism Research 83, 102945, 2020
Envisioning tourism and proximity after the anthropocene
O Rantala, T Salmela, A Valtonen, E Höckert
Sustainability 12 (10), 3948, 2020
The disruptive ‘other’? Exploring human-animal relations in tourism through videography
M Haanpää, T Salmela, JC García-Rosell, M Äijälä
Qualitative Methodologies in Tourism Studies, 101-121, 2022
Proximity tourism: A thematic literature review
T Salmela, H Nevala, M Nousiainen, O Rantala
Matkailututkimus 17 (1), 46-63, 2021
The knowing body as a floating body
A Valtonen, S Meriläinen, PM Laine, T Salmela-Leppänen
Management Learning 48 (5), 520-534, 2017
Vulnerable relational knowing that matters
S Meriläinen, T Salmela, A Valtonen
Gender, Work & Organization 29 (1), 79-91, 2022
Arctic Tourism in Times of Change:: Dimensions of Urban Tourism
DK Müller, DA Carson, S de la Barre, B Granås
Nordic Council of Ministers, 2020
Ehdotus ihmistä suhteellistavaksi sanastoksi
K Kortekallio, M Niskavaara, H Ouramo, J Raipola, T Salmela, A Tervonen, ...
AVAIN-Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen aikakauslehti 17 (4), 82–95-82–95, 2020
Together in Bed? Couples' Mobile Technology Use in Bed
T Salmela, A Colley, J Häkkilä
Proceedings of the 2019 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2019
Towards collective ways of knowing in the Anthropocene: Walking-with multiple others
T Salmela, A Valtonen
Matkailututkimus 15 (2), 18-32, 2019
The affective circle of harassment and enchantment: reflections on the ŌURA ring as an intimate research device
T Salmela, A Valtonen, D Lupton
Qualitative Inquiry, 2018
An uncanny night in a nature bubble: designing embodied sleeping experiences
T Salmela, A Valtonen, S Miettinen
Design science in tourism: Foundations of destination management, 69-93, 2017
Walking with rocks-with care
O Rantala, A Valtonen, T Salmela
Ethics and Politics of Space for the Anthropocene, 35-50, 2020
A research agenda for organization studies, feminisms and new materialisms
MB Calás, L Smircich
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023
Accessing uncolonized terrains of organizations: uncanny force of sleep and dreaming
T Salmela, A Valtonen, S Meriläinen
Culture and Organization 26 (1), 33-47, 2020
Medical selfies: Emotional impacts and practical challenges
D Diethei, A Colley, M Kalving, T Salmela, J Häkkilä, J Schöning
22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile …, 2020
Envisioning tourism and proximity after the Anthropocene. Sustainability, 12 (10), 3948
O Rantala, T Salmela, A Valtonen, E Höckert
Exploring earthly relations through curiography
A Valtonen, T Salmela
A research agenda for organization studies, feminisms and new materialisms …, 2023
The (dis)organized sleeping body: transgressing boundaries
T Salmela
Doctoral dissertation, 2018
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