Jonathan Ziegert
Jonathan Ziegert
LeBow College of Business, Drexel University
E-mail megerősítve itt: drexel.edu
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Dynamic delegation: Shared, hierarchical, and deindividualized leadership in extreme action teams
KJ Klein, JC Ziegert, AP Knight, Y Xiao
Administrative science quarterly 51 (4), 590-621, 2006
Why are individuals attracted to organizations?
KH Ehrhart, JC Ziegert
Journal of management 31 (6), 901-919, 2005
Employment discrimination: the role of implicit attitudes, motivation, and a climate for racial bias.
JC Ziegert, PJ Hanges
Journal of applied psychology 90 (3), 553, 2005
When family-supportive supervision matters: Relations between multiple sources of support and work–family balance
JH Greenhaus, JC Ziegert, TD Allen
Journal of vocational behavior 80 (2), 266-275, 2012
The effect of leadership style, framing, and promotion regulatory focus on unethical pro-organizational behavior
KA Graham, JC Ziegert, J Capitano
Journal of business ethics 126, 423-436, 2015
When team members’ values differ: The moderating role of team leadership
KJ Klein, AP Knight, JC Ziegert, BC Lim, JL Saltz
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 114 (1), 25-36, 2011
Understanding racial differences on cognitive ability tests in selection contexts: An integration of stereotype threat and applicant reactions research
RE Ployhart, JC Ziegert, LA McFarland
Human Performance 16 (3), 231-259, 2003
The human side of strategy: Employee experiences of strategic alignment in a service organization
B Schneider, EG Godfrey, SC Hayes, M Huang, BC Lim, LH Nishii, ...
Web-based recruitment in the Millennial generation: Work–life balance, website usability, and organizational attraction
KH Ehrhart, DM Mayer, JC Ziegert
European journal of work and organizational psychology 21 (6), 850-874, 2012
Supervisor-employee power distance incompatibility, gender similarity, and relationship conflict: A test of interpersonal interaction theory.
KA Graham, SB Dust, JC Ziegert
Journal of Applied Psychology 103 (3), 334, 2018
An examination of stereotype threat in a motivational context
LA McFarland, DM Lev-Arey, JC Ziegert
Human Performance 16 (3), 181-205, 2003
Vertical flow of collectivistic leadership: An examination of the cascade of visionary leadership across levels
JA Margolis, JC Ziegert
The Leadership Quarterly 27 (2), 334-348, 2016
Leader development and change over time: A conceptual integration and exploration of research challenges
KJ Klein, JC Ziegert
Leader development for transforming organizations, 359-382, 2004
Team communication patterns as measures of team processes: Exploring the effects of task urgency and shared team experience
Y Xiao, FJ Seagull, C Mackenzie, J Ziegert, KJ Klein
Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society annual meeting 47 …, 2003
Multi‐leader teams in review: A contingent‐configuration perspective of effectiveness
SB Dust, JC Ziegert
International Journal of Management Reviews 18 (4), 518-541, 2016
Integrating formal and shared leadership: the moderating influence of role ambiguity on innovation
JC Ziegert, SB Dust
Journal of Business and Psychology 36 (6), 969-984, 2021
Addressing Performance Tensions in Multiteam Systems: Balancing Informal Mechanisms of Coordination within and between Teams
JC Ziegert, AP Knight, CJ Resick, KA Graham
Academy of Management Journal, 2020
Strong rebuttal for weak criticisms: Reply to Blanton et al.(2009).
JC Ziegert, PJ Hanges
American Psychological Association 94 (3), 590, 2009
Too many cooks in the kitchen: The effects of dominance incompatibility on relationship conflict and subsequent abusive supervision
KA Graham, MB Mawritz, SB Dust, RL Greenbaum, JC Ziegert
The Leadership Quarterly 30 (3), 351-364, 2019
Does more than one cook spoil the broth? An examination of shared team leadership
JC Ziegert
University of Maryland, College Park, 2005
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