Cikkek nyilvánosan hozzáférhető megbízással - Daniel SpitaleTovábbi információ
Sehol sem hozzáférhető: 1
Diversity and distribution of benthic and hyporheic fauna in different stream types on an alpine glacial floodplain
V Lencioni, D Spitale
Hydrobiologia 751, 73-87, 2015
Megbízások: Government of Italy
Valahol hozzáférhető: 15
New national and regional bryophyte records, 32
LT Ellis, A Alegro, P Bansal, V Nath, B Cykowska, H Bednarek-Ochyra, ...
Journal of bryology 34 (3), 231-246, 2012
Megbízások: Government of Spain
New national and regional bryophyte records, 48
LT Ellis, M Aleffi, A Alegro, V Segota, AK Asthana, R Gupta, VJ Singh, ...
Journal of Bryology 38 (3), 235-259, 2016
Megbízások: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India, Department of …
Targeted vertebrate surveys enhance the faunal importance and improve explanatory models within the Eastern Arc Mountains of Kenya and Tanzania
F Rovero, M Menegon, J FjeldsAa, L Collett, N Doggart, C Leonard, ...
Diversity and Distributions 20 (12), 1438-1449, 2014
Megbízások: John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Danish National Research …
New national and regional bryophyte records, 30
LT Ellis, H Bednarek-Ochyra, B Cykowska, R Ochyra, C Garcia, C Sergio, ...
Journal of bryology 34 (1), 45-51, 2012
Megbízások: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India, Government of Spain
New national and regional bryophyte records, 65
LT Ellis, C Ah-Peng, G Aslan, VA Bakalin, A Bergamini, DA Callaghan, ...
Journal of Bryology 43 (1), 67-91, 2021
Megbízások: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India, Department of …
Depth distribution of epilithic cyanobacteria and pigments in a mountain lake characterized by marked water-level fluctuations
M Cantonati, G Guella, J Komárek, D Spitale
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 537-547, 2014
Megbízások: Government of Italy
Diatom species richness in Swiss springs increases with habitat complexity and elevation
L Taxboeck, DN Karger, M Kessler, D Spitale, M Cantonati
Water 12 (2), 449, 2020
Megbízások: Swiss National Science Foundation, Government of Italy
A new Navicula (Bacillariophyta) species from low-elevation carbonate springs affected by anthropogenic disturbance
M Cantonati, N Angeli, D Spitale, H Lange-Bertalot
Fottea 16 (2), 255-265, 2016
Megbízások: Government of Italy
Comparison between natural and impacted Alpine lakes six years after hydropower exploitation has ceased
D Spitale, N Angeli, V Lencioni, M Tolotti, M Cantonati
Biologia 70 (12), 1597-1605, 2015
Megbízások: Government of Italy
The contribution of lake benthic algae to the sediment record in a carbonate mountain lake influenced by marked natural water-level fluctuations
M Cantonati, G Guella, D Spitale, N Angeli, A Borsato, V Lencioni, ...
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 499-512, 2014
Megbízások: Government of Italy
Urbanization effects on shoreline phytobenthos: a multiscale approach at lake extent
D Spitale, A Scalfi, M Cantonati
Aquatic Sciences 76, 17-28, 2014
Megbízások: Government of Italy
The rare moss Didymodon johansenii (RS Williams) HA Crum in the Italian and Austrian Alps
D Spitale, JA Jiménez, H Köckinger
Cryptogamie, Bryologie 33 (2), 141-147, 2012
Megbízások: Government of Spain
The benthic chlorophyte genus Jaoa (Ulvales), a putative China endemic, in Lake Garda, Italy: ecology, taxonomy, and molecular analyses
J Mareš, M Cantonati, G Guella, D Spitale
Freshwater Science 33 (2), 593-605, 2014
Megbízások: Government of Italy
Adlafia neoniana (Naviculaceae), a new diatom species from forest streams in Puerto Rico
I Ciugulea, S Burroughs, C Defrancesco, D Spitale, DF Charles, ...
Plant Ecology and Evolution 152 (2), 378-384, 2019
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Rise of subgen. Rhoicosphenula Lange-Bert. to the genus level, and description of a new Gomphosphenia ss species from Puerto Rico
AA Saber, N Angeli, H Lange-Bertalot, JP Kociolek, D Spitale, DF Charles, ...
Cryptogamie, Algologie 42 (13), 217-229, 2021
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
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