The computational complexity of the restricted isometry property, the nullspace property, and related concepts in compressed sensing AM Tillmann, ME Pfetsch
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 60 (2), 1248-1259, 2013
478 2013 The SCIP optimization suite 5.0 A Gleixner, L Eifler, T Gally, G Gamrath, P Gemander, RL Gottwald, ...
402 2017 A column-generation approach to line planning in public transport R Borndörfer, M Grötschel, ME Pfetsch
Transportation Science 41 (1), 123-132, 2007
401 2007 The SCIP optimization suite 8.0 K Bestuzheva, M Besançon, WK Chen, A Chmiela, T Donkiewicz, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.08872, 2021
309 2021 The SCIP optimization suite 7.0 G Gamrath, D Anderson, K Bestuzheva, WK Chen, L Eifler, M Gasse, ...
308 2020 Evaluating gas network capacities T Koch, B Hiller, ME Pfetsch, L Schewe
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2015
282 2015 Validation of nominations in gas network optimization: models, methods, and solutions ME Pfetsch, A Fügenschuh, B Geißler, N Geißler, R Gollmer, B Hiller, ...
Optimization Methods and Software 30 (1), 15-53, 2015
170 2015 GasLib—A library of gas network instances M Schmidt, D Aßmann, R Burlacu, J Humpola, I Joormann, N Kanelakis, ...
Data 2 (4), 40, 2017
158 2017 Packing and partitioning orbitopes V Kaibel, M Pfetsch
Mathematical Programming 114 (1), 1-36, 2008
149 2008 The scip optimization suite 3.2 G Gamrath, T Fischer, T Gally, A Gleixner, G Hendel, T Koch, SJ Maher, ...
139 2016 The SCIP optimization suite 4.0 SJ Maher, T Fischer, T Gally, G Gamrath, A Gleixner, RL Gottwald, ...
120 2017 Models for fare planning in public transport R Borndörfer, M Karbstein, ME Pfetsch
Discrete Applied Mathematics 160 (18), 2591-2605, 2012
119 2012 Computing optimal Morse matchings M Joswig, ME Pfetsch
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 20 (1), 11-25, 2006
116 2006 A framework for solving mixed-integer semidefinite programs T Gally, ME Pfetsch, S Ulbrich
Optimization Methods and Software 33 (3), 594-632, 2018
112 2018 Models for line planning in public transport R Borndörfer, M Grötschel, ME Pfetsch
Computer-aided systems in public transport, 363-378, 2008
110 2008 Orbitopal fixing V Kaibel, M Peinhardt, ME Pfetsch
Discrete Optimization 8 (4), 595-610, 2011
104 2011 A Compact Formulation for the Mixed-Norm Minimization Problem C Steffens, M Pesavento, ME Pfetsch
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 66 (6), 1483-1497, 2018
91 2018 Chapter 2: Physical and technical fundamentals of gas networks A Fügenschuh, B Geißler, R Gollmer, A Morsi, ME Pfetsch, J Rövekamp, ...
Evaluating gas network capacities, 17-43, 2015
91 2015 Some algorithmic problems in polytope theory V Kaibel, ME Pfetsch
Algebra, geometry and software systems, 23-47, 2003
91 2003 On the maximum feasible subsystem problem, IISs and IIS-hypergraphs E Amaldi, ME Pfetsch, LE Trotter, Jr
Mathematical Programming 95, 533-554, 2003
84 2003