Stephen Park
Stephen Park
E-mail megerősítve itt: uconn.edu
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Investors as Regulators: Green Bonds and the Governance Challenges of the Sustainable Finance Revolution
SK Park
Stanford Journal of International Law 54 (1), 1–47, 2018
Turning Corporate Compliance into Competitive Advantage
RC Bird, SK Park
University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law 19 (2), 285–339, 2017
The Domains of Corporate Counsel in an Era of Compliance
RC Bird, SK Park
American Business Law Journal 53 (2), 203–249, 2016
ESG Disclosure in Comparative Perspective: Optimizing Private Ordering in Public Reporting
V Harper Ho, SK Park
University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 41 (2), 2019
A Firm-Driven Approach to Global Governance and Sustainability
SK Park, G Berger-Walliser
American Business Law Journal 52 (2), 255–319, 2015
Social Bonds for Sustainable Development: A Human Rights Perspective on Impact Investing
SK Park
Business and Human Rights Journal 3 (2), 233-255, 2018
Organic Corporate Governance
RC Bird, SK Park
Boston College Law Review 59 (1), 21–69, 2018
Targeted Social Transparency as Global Corporate Strategy
SK Park
Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business 35 (1), 87–137, 2014
Legal strategy disrupted: managing climate change and regulatory transformation
SK Park
American Business Law Journal 58 (4), 711-749, 2021
Puerto Rico's Debt Dilemma and Pathways Toward Sovereign Solvency
SK Park, TR Samples
American Business Law Journal 54 (1), 9–60, 2017
Green Bonds and Beyond: Debt Financing As a Sustainability Driver
SK Park
Cambridge Handbook of Corporate Law, Corporate Governance and Sustainability …, 2019
Towards Sovereign Equity
SK Park, TR Samples
Stanford Journal of Law, Business, & Finance 21 (2), 240–285, 2016
Tribunalizing Sovereign Debt: Argentina's Experience with Investor–State Dispute Settlement
SK Park, TR Samples
Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 50 (4), 1033–1063, 2017
Bridging the Global Governance Gap: Reforming the Law of Trade Adjustment
SK Park
Georgetown Journal of International Law 43 (3), 797–871, 2012
Guarding the Guardians: The Case for Regulating State-Owned Financial Entities in Global Finance
SK Park
University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law 16 (3), 739–787, 2014
A Global Leviathan Emerges: The Federal Reserve, COVID-19, and International Law
DD Bradlow, SK Park
American Journal of International Law 114 (4), 657-665, 2020
Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk: Reviving Global Trade and Development After Doha
SK Park
Virginia Journal of International Law 53 (2), 365–415, 2013
Distrust, Disorder, and the New Governance of Sovereign Debt
SK Park, TR Samples
Harvard International Law Journal 62 (1), 175–221, 2021
Social responsibility regulation and its challenges to corporate compliance
SK Park
Brook. J. Corp. Fin. & Com. L. 14, 39, 2019
Re-thinking the sustainability of sovereign debt
DD Bradlow, RM Lastra, SK Park
Journal of International Economic Law 27 (2), 336–352, 2024
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