Integer and combinatorial optimization LA Wolsey, GL Nemhauser John Wiley & Sons, 1999 | 12348 | 1999 |
An analysis of approximations for maximizing submodular set functions—I GL Nemhauser, LA Wolsey, ML Fisher Mathematical programming 14, 265-294, 1978 | 5888* | 1978 |
Integer programming LA Wolsey Wiley, 1998 | 5598* | 1998 |
Production planning by mixed integer programming Y Pochet, LA Wolsey Springer 149 (2), 163-175, 2006 | 1557 | 2006 |
The uncapicitated facility location problem G Cornuéjols, G Nemhauser, L Wolsey Cornell University Operations Research and Industrial Engineering, 1983 | 937 | 1983 |
50 Years of integer programming 1958-2008: From the early years to the state-of-the-art M Jünger, TM Liebling, D Naddef, GL Nemhauser, WR Pulleyblank, ... Springer Science & Business Media, 2009 | 855* | 2009 |
Best algorithms for approximating the maximum of a submodular set function GL Nemhauser, LA Wolsey Mathematics of operations research 3 (3), 177-188, 1978 | 725 | 1978 |
An analysis of the greedy algorithm for the submodular set covering problem LA Wolsey Combinatorica 2 (4), 385-393, 1982 | 697 | 1982 |
Faces for a linear inequality in 0–1 variables LA Wolsey Mathematical Programming 8 (1), 165-178, 1975 | 456 | 1975 |
Optimal trees TL Magnanti, LA Wolsey Handbooks in operations research and management science 7, 503-615, 1995 | 450 | 1995 |
Strong formulations for multi-item capacitated lot sizing I Barany, TJ Van Roy, LA Wolsey Management Science 30 (10), 1255-1261, 1984 | 440 | 1984 |
Cutting planes in integer and mixed integer programming H Marchand, A Martin, R Weismantel, L Wolsey Discrete Applied Mathematics 123 (1-3), 397-446, 2002 | 395 | 2002 |
Valid linear inequalities for fixed charge problems MW Padberg, TJ Van Roy, LA Wolsey Operations Research 33 (4), 842-861, 1985 | 370 | 1985 |
A time indexed formulation of non-preemptive single machine scheduling problems JP Sousa, LA Wolsey Mathematical programming 54, 353-367, 1992 | 367 | 1992 |
Formulating the single machine sequencing problem with release dates as a mixed integer program ME Dyer, LA Wolsey Discrete Applied Mathematics 26 (2-3), 255-270, 1990 | 350 | 1990 |
Solving mixed integer programming problems using automatic reformulation TJ Van Roy, LA Wolsey Operations Research 35 (1), 45-57, 1987 | 349 | 1987 |
An exact algorithm for IP column generation F Vanderbeck, LA Wolsey Operations research letters 19 (4), 151-159, 1996 | 347 | 1996 |
bc—prod: A specialized branch-and-cut system for lot-sizing problems G Belvaux, LA Wolsey Management Science 46 (5), 724-738, 2000 | 305 | 2000 |
A recursive procedure to generate all cuts for 0–1 mixed integer programs GL Nemhauser, LA Wolsey Mathematical Programming 46 (1), 379-390, 1990 | 298 | 1990 |
Aggregation and mixed integer rounding to solve MIPs H Marchand, LA Wolsey Operations research 49 (3), 363-371, 2001 | 294 | 2001 |