Rumman Hassan
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Is religiosity an important consideration in Muslim consumer behavior: Exploratory study in the context of Western Imported Food in Pakistan
SFH Bukhari, FM Woodside, R Hassan, AL Shaikh, S Hussain, W Mazhar
Journal of Islamic Marketing, 2019
Artificial intelligence in digital marketing influences consumer behaviour: a review and theoretical foundation for future research
F Rabby, R Chimhundu, R Hassan
Academy of marketing studies journal 25 (5), 1-7, 2021
Customer perception of green advertising in the context of eco-friendly FMCGs
R Hassan, F Valenzuela
Contemporary Management Research 12 (2), 2016
Exploring the motives behind the purchase of western imported food products. A phenomenological study from a Muslim-dominated region
SFH Bukhari, FM Woodside, R Hassan, S Hussain, S Khurram
Journal of Islamic Marketing 13 (2), 481-507, 2022
Intrinsic and extrinsic attributes that drive Muslim consumer purchase behavior: A study in the context of Western imported food
SFH Bukhari, FM Woodside, R Hassan, OMSH Ali, S Hussain, R Waqas
Journal of Islamic Marketing 12 (1), 70-94, 2021
Blockchain technology transforms digital marketing by growing consumer trust
F Rabby, R Chimhundu, R Hassan
Transformations through blockchain technology: the new digital revolution …, 2022
Towards a Conceptual Framework for Understanding the Attractiveness of Rail Transit-Oriented Shopping Mall Developments (TOSMDs)
A Abutaleb, K McDougall, M Basson, R Hassan, MN Mahmood
Urban Rail Transit, 1-15, 2019
The impact of digital communications on consumer perceptions of sport celebrity transgressions
AM Sassenberg, J Summers, M Johnson-Morgan, R Hassan
Journal of Global Sport Management 3 (2), 189-207, 2018
Australian Muslim women and fitness choices–myths debunked
J Summers, R Hassan, D Ong, M Hossain
Journal of Services Marketing 32 (5), 605-615, 2018
Service recovery in the Australian banking industry
F Valenzuela, R Cooksey, L Chandralal, R Hassan
Contemporary Management Research 9 (4), 2013
An assessment of the impact of green messages on the audience of Dhaka city
MS Islam, MM Hossain, R Hassan
East West University, 2011
Blockchain-enabled trust management for digital marketing in the Industry 4.0 Era
F Rabby, R Chimhundu, R Hassan
Advances in blockchain technology for cyber physical systems, 303-321, 2022
Understanding contextual attractiveness factors of transit orientated shopping Mall developments (Tosmds) for shopping mall passengers on the Dubai Metro Red Line
A Abutaleb, K Mcdougall, M Basson, R Hassan, MN Mahmood
Planning Practice & Research 36 (3), 292-313, 2021
Who says waiting is boring? How consumer narratives within online communities help reduce stress while waiting
M Hassan, R Hassan
Spanish Journal of Marketing-ESIC 24 (3), 403-424, 2020
Digital transformation in real estate marketing: A review
F Rabby
Available at SSRN 5101903, 2022
The elucidation of marketing trends and a post-positivist approach to understand consumer behaviour–a review
F Rabby, R Chimhundu, R Hassan
Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology 54 (8), 13-32, 2021
The Impact of Transit-Oriented Shopping Mall Developments (TOSMDs) on Metro Station Ridership: Dubai Metro Redline
A Abutaleb, K McDougall, M Basson, R Hassan, MN Mahmood
Urban Rail Transit 6 (3), 157-170, 2020
Endurance of digital marketing with artificial intelligence
F Rabby, R Chimhundu, R Hassan
ANZMAC Conference 2021: Proceedings, 296-299, 2021
The impact of digital media on real estate marketing: A review
F Rabby, R Chimhundu, R Hassan
Proceedings of Sydney International Business Research Conference 2020, 2020
Part 3 Case Study 3.1 Cioccolato: The ultimate chocolate experience in Australia
R Chimhundu, R Hassan
Text book: Luck, E., Barker, N., Sassenberg, A., Chitty, B., Andrews, JC …, 2021
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