Recovery of large carnivores in Europe’s modern human-dominated landscapes G Chapron, P Kaczensky, JDC Linnell, M Von Arx, D Huber, H Andrén, ... science 346 (6216), 1517-1519, 2014 | 1977 | 2014 |
Recolonizing carnivores and naive prey: conservation lessons from Pleistocene extinctions J Berger, JE Swenson, IL Persson Science 291 (5506), 1036-1039, 2001 | 575 | 2001 |
Predators and people: conservation of large carnivores is possible at high human densities if management policy is favourable JDC Linnell, JE Swenson, R Anderson Animal conservation forum 4 (4), 345-349, 2001 | 569 | 2001 |
New perspectives in diet analysis based on DNA barcoding and parallel pyrosequencing: the trnL approach A Valentini, C Miquel, MA Nawaz, EVA Bellemain, E Coissac, ... Molecular ecology resources 9 (1), 51-60, 2009 | 566 | 2009 |
Estimating population size of elusive animals with DNA from hunter‐collected feces: four methods for brown bears EVA Bellemain, JE Swenson, D Tallmon, S Brunberg, P Taberlet Conservation biology 19 (1), 150-161, 2005 | 480 | 2005 |
Large carnivores that kill livestock: do" problem individuals" really exist? JDC Linnell, J Odden, ME Smith, R Aanes, JE Swenson Wildlife Society Bulletin, 698-705, 1999 | 459 | 1999 |
Disease reveals the predator: sarcoptic mange, red fox predation, and prey populations ER Lindström, H Andrén, P Angelstam, G Cederlund, B Hörnfeldt, ... Ecology 75 (4), 1042-1049, 1994 | 457 | 1994 |
Translocation of carnivores as a method for managing problem animals: a review JDC Linnell, R Aanes, JE Swenson, J Odden, ME Smith Biodiversity & Conservation 6, 1245-1257, 1997 | 384 | 1997 |
Action plan for the conservation of the brown bear in Europe (Ursus arctos) JE Swenson Council of Europe, 2000 | 322 | 2000 |
Geographic expansion of an increasing brown bear population: evidence for presaturation dispersal JE Swenson, F Sandegren, A SO‐Derberg Journal of Animal Ecology 67 (5), 819-826, 1998 | 306 | 1998 |
Home ranges in adult Scandinavian brown bears (Ursus arctos): effect of mass, sex, reproductive category, population density and habitat type B Dahle, JE Swenson Journal of Zoology 260 (4), 329-335, 2003 | 302 | 2003 |
Predators or prey? Spatio-temporal discrimination of human-derived risk by brown bears A Ordiz, OG Støen, M Delibes, JE Swenson Oecologia 166, 59-67, 2011 | 298 | 2011 |
Nuclear DNA microsatellite analysis of genetic diversity and gene flow in the Scandinavian brown bear (Ursus arctos) L Waits, P Taberlet, JE Swenson, F Sandegren, R Franzén Molecular ecology 9 (4), 421-431, 2000 | 296 | 2000 |
An evaluation of field and non-invasive genetic methods to estimate brown bear (Ursus arctos) population size KH Solberg, E Bellemain, OM Drageset, P Taberlet, JE Swenson Biological Conservation 128 (2), 158-168, 2006 | 294 | 2006 |
Infanticide caused by hunting of male bears JE Swenson Nature 386 (6624), 450-451, 1997 | 292 | 1997 |
The near extinction and recovery of brown bears in Scandinavia in relation to the bear management policies of Norway and Sweden JE Swenson, P Wabakken, F Sandegren, A Bjärvall, R Franzén, ... Wildlife Biology 1 (1), 11-25, 1995 | 276 | 1995 |
Risk of capture‐related mortality in large free‐ranging mammals: experiences from Scandinavia JM Arnemo, P Ahlqvist, R Andersen, F Berntsen, G Ericsson, J Odden, ... Wildlife Biology 12 (1), 109-113, 2006 | 274 | 2006 |
Coping with human disturbance: spatial and temporal tactics of the brown bear (Ursus arctos) J Martin, M Basille, B Van Moorter, J Kindberg, D Allaine, JE Swenson Canadian Journal of Zoology 88 (9), 875-883, 2010 | 271 | 2010 |
How vulnerable are denning bears to disturbance? JDC Linnell, JE Swenson, R Andersen, B Barnes Wildlife Society Bulletin, 400-413, 2000 | 265 | 2000 |
Seasonal range size in relation to reproductive strategies in brown bears Ursus arctos B Dahle, JE Swenson Journal of Animal ecology 72 (4), 660-667, 2003 | 253 | 2003 |