Nojood Aalismail
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Functional metagenomic analysis of dust-associated microbiomes above the Red Sea
NA Aalismail, DK Ngugi, R Díaz-Rúa, I Alam, M Cusack, CM Duarte
Scientific reports 9 (1), 13741, 2019
Investing in blue natural capital to secure a future for the Red Sea ecosystems
MJ Cziesielski, CM Duarte, N Aalismail, Y Al-Hafedh, A Anton, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 603722, 2021
Rapid evolution of plastic-degrading enzymes prevalent in the global ocean
I Alam, N Aalismail, C Martin, A Kamau, FJ Guzmán-Vega, T Jamil, ...
BioRxiv, 2020.09. 07.285692, 2020
Diversity and sources of airborne eukaryotic communities (AEC) in the global dust belt over the red sea
NA Aalismail, R Díaz-Rúa, N Geraldi, M Cusack, CM Duarte
Earth Systems and Environment 5 (2), 459-471, 2021
Aeolian prokaryotic communities of the global dust belt over the Red Sea
NA Aalismail, R Díaz-Rúa, DK Ngugi, M Cusack, CM Duarte
Frontiers in Microbiology 11, 538476, 2020
Functional metagenomic analysis of dustassociated microbiomes above the Red Sea. Sci Rep 9: 13741
NA Aalismail, DK Ngugi, R Díaz-Rúa, I Alam, M Cusack, CM Duarte
Airborne Eukaryotes in the Red Sea Region
N Aalismail, R Diaz Rua, N Geraldi, M Cusack, CM Duarte
NCBI, 2021
Metabarcoding and Metagenomic Characterizations of the Red Sea Sector of the Global Dust Belt’s Microbiome
N Aalismail
Functional metagenomic analysis of airborne samples collected near Red Sea.
N Aalismail, DK Ngugi, R Diaz Rua, I Alam, M Cusack, CM Duarte
NCBI, 2019
Evolutionary Analysis of Minor Histocompatibility Genes In Hydra
N Aalismail
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