Gravitational radiation from post-Newtonian sources and inspiralling compact binaries L Blanchet Living reviews in relativity 17 (1), 2, 2014 | 2115* | 2014 |
Post-Newtonian theory for gravitational waves L Blanchet Living Reviews in Relativity 27 (1), 4, 2024 | 961 | 2024 |
Gravitational-radiation damping of compact binary systems to second post-Newtonian order L Blanchet, T Damour, BR Iyer, CM Will, AG Wiseman Physical Review Letters 74 (18), 3515, 1995 | 695 | 1995 |
Hereditary effects in gravitational radiation L Blanchet, T Damour Physical Review D 46 (10), 4304, 1992 | 489 | 1992 |
Radiative gravitational fields in general relativity I. General structure of the field outside the source L Blanchet, T Damour Philosophical transactions of the royal society of London. Series a …, 1986 | 473 | 1986 |
Gravitational waveforms from inspiralling compact binaries to second-post-Newtonian order L Blanchet, BR Iyer, CM Will, AG Wiseman Classical and Quantum Gravity 13 (4), 575, 1996 | 447 | 1996 |
Gravitational Radiation from Inspiralling Compact Binaries Completed<? format?> at the Third Post-Newtonian Order L Blanchet, T Damour, G Esposito-Farese, BR Iyer Physical review letters 93 (9), 091101, 2004 | 444 | 2004 |
Post-Newtonian generation of gravitational waves L Blanchet, T Damour Annales de l'IHP Physique théorique 50 (4), 377-408, 1989 | 381 | 1989 |
Gravitational waves from inspiralling compact binaries: Energy loss and waveform to second-post-Newtonian order L Blanchet, T Damour, BR Iyer Physical Review D 51 (10), 5360, 1995 | 375 | 1995 |
Gravitational-wave inspiral of compact binary systems to 7/2 post-Newtonian order L Blanchet, G Faye, BR Iyer, B Joguet Physical Review D 65 (6), 061501, 2002 | 351 | 2002 |
Gravitational waves from inspiraling compact binaries: Energy flux to third post-Newtonian order L Blanchet, BR Iyer, B Joguet Physical Review D 65 (6), 064005, 2002 | 338 | 2002 |
Tail-transported temporal correlations in the dynamics of a gravitating system L Blanchet, T Damour Physical Review D 37 (6), 1410, 1988 | 330 | 1988 |
Higher-order spin effects in the dynamics of compact binaries. II. Radiation field L Blanchet, A Buonanno, G Faye Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 74 (10), 104034, 2006 | 319 | 2006 |
Corrigendum: The third post-Newtonian gravitational wave polarizations and associated spherical harmonic modes for inspiralling compact binaries in quasi-circular orbits L Blanchet, G Faye, BR Iyer, S Sinha Classical and Quantum Gravity 29 (23), 239501, 2012 | 316* | 2012 |
Higher-order spin effects in the dynamics of compact binaries. I. Equations of motion G Faye, L Blanchet, A Buonanno Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 74 (10), 104033, 2006 | 306 | 2006 |
Post-Newtonian hydrodynamics and post-Newtonian gravitational wave generation for numerical relativity L Blanchet, T Damour, G Schäefer Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 242 (3), 289-305, 1990 | 273 | 1990 |
Gravitational wave tails and binary star systems L Blanchet, G Schafer Classical and Quantum Gravity 10 (12), 2699, 1993 | 257 | 1993 |
General relativistic dynamics of compact binaries at the third post-Newtonian order L Blanchet, G Faye Physical Review D 63 (6), 062005, 2001 | 250 | 2001 |
Dimensional regularization of the third post-Newtonian gravitational wave generation<? format?> from two point masses L Blanchet, T Damour, G Esposito-Farese, BR Iyer Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 71 (12), 124004, 2005 | 249 | 2005 |
Dimensional regularization of the third post-Newtonian dynamics of point particles in harmonic coordinates L Blanchet, T Damour, G Esposito-Farese Physical Review D 69 (12), 124007, 2004 | 241 | 2004 |