Cesar J. Rebellon
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Reconsidering the broken homes/delinquency relationship and exploring its mediating mechanism (s)
CJ Rebellon
Criminology 40 (1), 103-136, 2002
Manual for the personal and relationships profile (PRP)
MA Straus, SL Hamby, S Boney-McCoy, D Sugarman
Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Family Research Laboratory …, 1999
A general strain theory of racial differences in criminal offending
JM Kaufman, CJ Rebellon, S Thaxton, R Agnew
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology 41 (3), 421-437, 2008
Don't trust anyone over 30: Parental legitimacy as a mediator between parenting style and changes in delinquent behavior over time
R Trinkner, ES Cohn, CJ Rebellon, K Van Gundy
Journal of adolescence 35 (1), 119-132, 2012
Self-control in global perspective: An empirical assessment of Gottfredson and Hirschi's general theory within and across 32 national settings
CJ Rebellon, MA Straus, R Medeiros
European journal of criminology 5 (3), 331-361, 2008
Can control theory explain the link between parental physical abuse and delinquency? A longitudinal analysis
CJ Rebellon, K Van Gundy
Journal of research in crime and delinquency 42 (3), 247-274, 2005
Unpacking the black box of peer similarity in deviance: Understanding the mechanisms linking personal behavior, peer behavior, and perceptions
JTN Young, CJ Rebellon, JC Barnes, FM Weerman
Criminology 52 (1), 60-86, 2014
Do adolescents engage in delinquency to attract the social attention of peers? An extension and longitudinal test of the social reinforcement hypothesis
CJ Rebellon
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 43 (4), 387-411, 2006
Perceived injustice and delinquency: A test of general strain theory
CJ Rebellon, ME Manasse, KT Van Gundy, ES Cohn
Journal of Criminal Justice 40 (3), 230-237, 2012
An integrated model of legal and moral reasoning and rule-violating behavior: The role of legal attitudes.
ES Cohn, D Bucolo, CJ Rebellon, K Van Gundy
Law and human behavior 34 (4), 295, 2010
Do “bad boys” really get the girls? Delinquency as a cause and consequence of dating behavior among adolescents
CJ Rebellon, M Manasse
Justice quarterly 21 (2), 355-389, 2004
Breadth of participation in organized and unstructured leisure activities over time and rural adolescents’ functioning
EH Sharp, CJ Tucker, ME Baril, KT Van Gundy, CJ Rebellon
Journal of youth and adolescence 44, 62-76, 2015
A life-course perspective on the “Gateway Hypothesis”
K Van Gundy, CJ Rebellon
Journal of health and social behavior 51 (3), 244-259, 2010
A general strain theory approach to families and delinquency
R Agnew, CJ Rebellon, S Thaxton
Families, Crime and Criminal Justice, Greer L. Fox & Michael L. Benson, eds …, 2000
Anticipated shaming and criminal offending
CJ Rebellon, NL Piquero, AR Piquero, SG Tibbetts
Journal of Criminal Justice 38 (5), 988-997, 2010
Legal attitudes and legitimacy: Extending the integrated legal socialization model
ES Cohn, RJ Trinkner, CJ Rebellon, KT Van Gundy, LM Cole
Victims & Offenders 7 (4), 385-406, 2012
Gender role orientations and alcohol use among Moscow and Toronto adults
K Van Gundy, S Schieman, MS Kelley, CJ Rebellon
Social science & medicine 61 (11), 2317-2330, 2005
Perceived community cohesion and the stress process in youth
KT Van Gundy, NF Stracuzzi, CJ Rebellon, CJ Tucker, ES Cohn
Rural sociology 76 (3), 293-318, 2011
Do frustrated economic expectations and objective economic inequity promote crime? A randomized experiment testing Agnew's General Strain Theory
CJ Rebellon, N Leeper Piquero, AR Piquero, S Thaxton
European Journal of Criminology 6 (1), 47-71, 2009
Adolescents’ future aspirations and expectations in the context of a shifting rural economy
EH Sharp, J Seaman, CJ Tucker, KT Van Gundy, CJ Rebellon
Journal of youth and adolescence 49, 534-548, 2020
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