Ármann Jakobsson og Kristín Björnsdóttir.(2013) HB Sigurjónsdóttir Inngangur: Rannsóknir á fötlun og menningu. Í Hanna Björg Sigurjónsdóttir …, 0 | 100 | |
Í leit að konungi: Konungsmynd íslenskra konungasagna Á Jakobsson (No Title), 1997 | 95 | 1997 |
The Trollish Acts of Þorgrímr the Witch Á Jakobsson Saga-book 32, 39-68, 2008 | 90 | 2008 |
Masculinity and Politics in Njáls saga Á Jakobsson Viator 38 (1), 191-215, 2007 | 83 | 2007 |
The Troll Inside You: Paranormal Activity in the Medieval North Á Jakobsson | 72 | 2017 |
Vampires and watchmen: Categorizing the mediaeval Icelandic undead Á Jakobsson The Journal of English and Germanic Philology 110 (3), 281-300, 2011 | 70 | 2011 |
The Fearless Vampire Killers: A Note about the Icelandic Draugr and Demonic Contamination in Grettis Saga Á Jakobsson Folklore 120 (3), 307-316, 2009 | 57 | 2009 |
Royal biography Á Jakobsson A companion to Old Norse-Icelandic literature and culture 31, 389-402, 2005 | 57 | 2005 |
History of the Trolls? Bárðar saga as an Historical Narrative Á Jakobsson Saga-Book 25, 53-71, 1998 | 57 | 1998 |
The specter of old age: Nasty old men in the sagas of Icelanders Á Jakobsson The Journal of English and Germanic Philology 104 (3), 297-325, 2005 | 55 | 2005 |
Morkinskinna Á Jakobsson, ÞI Guðjónsson (No Title), 2011 | 52 | 2011 |
Genre M Bampi The Routledge Research Companion to the Medieval Icelandic Sagas, 4-14, 2017 | 47 | 2017 |
Beast and Man: Realism and the Occult in" Egils saga" Á Jakobsson Scandinavian Studies 83 (1), 29-44, 2011 | 45 | 2011 |
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Bárðar saga and its Giants Á Jakobsson | 42 | 2005 |
Identifying the Ogre: The legendary saga giants Á Jakobsson Fornaldarsagaerne, myter og virkelighed: studier i de oldislandske …, 2009 | 39 | 2009 |
The Taxonomy of the Non-existent: Some Medieval Icelandic Concepts of the Paranormal: Taxonomising the Otherworld: The Icelandic Grimm and his Influence Á Jakobsson Fabula 54 (3-4), 199-213, 2013 | 38 | 2013 |
Stađur í nýjum heimi: konungasagan Morkinskinna Á Jakobsson Háskólaútgáfan, 2002 | 38 | 2002 |
Le Roi Chevalier: The Royal Ideology and Genre of" Hrólfi saga kraka" Á Jakobsson Scandinavian Studies 71 (2), 139-166, 1999 | 38 | 1999 |
The life and death of the medieval Icelandic short story Á Jakobsson The Journal of English and Germanic Philology 112 (3), 257-291, 2013 | 34 | 2013 |
The Routledge Research Companion to the Medieval Icelandic Sagas Á Jakobsson, S Jakobsson Routledge, 2017 | 33 | 2017 |