Medical image analysis using convolutional neural networks: a review SM Anwar, M Majid, A Qayyum, M Awais, M Alnowami, MK Khan Journal of medical systems 42, 1-13, 2018 | 1462 | 2018 |
A survey on privacy protection in blockchain system Q Feng, D He, S Zeadally, MK Khan, N Kumar Journal of network and computer applications 126, 45-58, 2019 | 959 | 2019 |
Diagnosing COVID-19 pneumonia from X-ray and CT images using deep learning and transfer learning algorithms HS Maghdid, AT Asaad, KZ Ghafoor, AS Sadiq, S Mirjalili, MK Khan Multimodal image exploitation and learning 2021 11734, 99-110, 2021 | 564 | 2021 |
Cryptanalysis and security improvements of ‘two-factor user authentication in wireless sensor networks’ MK Khan, K Alghathbar Sensors 10 (3), 2450-2459, 2010 | 558* | 2010 |
A survey on blockchain technology: Evolution, architecture and security MNM Bhutta, AA Khwaja, A Nadeem, HF Ahmad, MK Khan, MA Hanif, ... Ieee Access 9, 61048-61073, 2021 | 532 | 2021 |
Applications of blockchain in ensuring the security and privacy of electronic health record systems: A survey S Shi, D He, L Li, N Kumar, MK Khan, KKR Choo Computers & security 97, 101966, 2020 | 481 | 2020 |
A robust and anonymous patient monitoring system using wireless medical sensor networks R Amin, SKH Islam, GP Biswas, MK Khan, N Kumar Future Generation Computer Systems 80, 483-495, 2018 | 348 | 2018 |
Secure surveillance framework for IoT systems using probabilistic image encryption K Muhammad, R Hamza, J Ahmad, J Lloret, H Wang, SW Baik IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (8), 3679-3689, 2018 | 332 | 2018 |
Blockchain-based identity management systems: A review Y Liu, D He, MS Obaidat, N Kumar, MK Khan, KKR Choo Journal of network and computer applications 166, 102731, 2020 | 329 | 2020 |
Design of an anonymity-preserving three-factor authenticated key exchange protocol for wireless sensor networks R Amin, SKH Islam, GP Biswas, MK Khan, L Leng, N Kumar Computer Networks 101, 42-62, 2016 | 318 | 2016 |
Millimeter-wave wireless communications for IoT-cloud supported autonomous vehicles: Overview, design, and challenges L Kong, MK Khan, F Wu, G Chen, P Zeng IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (1), 62-68, 2017 | 317 | 2017 |
b-SPECS+: Batch verification for secure pseudonymous authentication in VANET SJ Horng, SF Tzeng, Y Pan, P Fan, X Wang, T Li, MK Khan IEEE transactions on information forensics and security 8 (11), 1860-1875, 2013 | 314 | 2013 |
Performance evaluation of score level fusion in multimodal biometric systems M He, SJ Horng, P Fan, RS Run, RJ Chen, JL Lai, MK Khan, KO Sentosa Pattern Recognition 43 (5), 1789-1800, 2010 | 313 | 2010 |
Enhancing security and privacy for identity-based batch verification scheme in VANETs SF Tzeng, SJ Horng, T Li, X Wang, PH Huang, MK Khan IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (4), 3235-3248, 2015 | 306 | 2015 |
An enhanced smart card based remote user password authentication scheme X Li, J Niu, MK Khan, J Liao Journal of Network and Computer Applications 36 (5), 1365-1371, 2013 | 301 | 2013 |
Cryptanalysis and security enhancement of a ‘more efficient & secure dynamic ID-based remote user authentication scheme’ MK Khan, SK Kim, K Alghathbar Computer Communications 34 (3), 305-309, 2011 | 290 | 2011 |
Ransomware: Recent advances, analysis, challenges and future research directions C Beaman, A Barkworth, TD Akande, S Hakak, MK Khan Computers & security 111, 102490, 2021 | 281 | 2021 |
On cloud security attacks: A taxonomy and intrusion detection and prevention as a service S Iqbal, MLM Kiah, B Dhaghighi, M Hussain, S Khan, MK Khan, ... Journal of Network and Computer Applications 74, 98-120, 2016 | 272 | 2016 |
An effective memetic differential evolution algorithm based on chaotic local search D Jia, G Zheng, MK Khan Information Sciences 181 (15), 3175-3187, 2011 | 269 | 2011 |
A secure trust model based on fuzzy logic in vehicular ad hoc networks with fog computing SA Soleymani, AH Abdullah, M Zareei, MH Anisi, C Vargas-Rosales, ... IEEE Access 5, 15619-15629, 2017 | 266 | 2017 |