Source origin of trace elements in PM from regional background, urban and industrial sites of Spain X Querol, M Viana, A Alastuey, F Amato, T Moreno, S Castillo, J Pey, ... Atmospheric environment 41 (34), 7219-7231, 2007 | 548 | 2007 |
GWAS and meta-analysis identifies 49 genetic variants underlying critical COVID-19 E Pairo-Castineira, K Rawlik, AD Bretherick, T Qi, Y Wu, I Nassiri, ... Nature 617 (7962), 764-768, 2023 | 134 | 2023 |
The northern Ossa-Morena Cadomian batholith (Iberian Massif): magmatic arc origin and early evolution A Bandrés, L Eguíluz, C Pin, JL Paquette, B Ordóñez, B Le Fèvre, ... International Journal of Earth Sciences 93, 860-885, 2004 | 88 | 2004 |
Mantel-derived, early Paleozoic A-type metagranitoids, from the NW Iberian Massif; Nd isotope and trace-element constraints C Pin, LA Ortega Cuesta, JIG Ibarguchi Bulletin de la Societé Géologique de France 163 (4), 483-494, 1992 | 83 | 1992 |
Diversity and generalization in neural network ensembles LA Ortega, R Cabañas, A Masegosa International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 11720-11743, 2022 | 60 | 2022 |
Isotope analyses to explore diet and mobility in a medieval Muslim population at Tauste (NE Spain) I Guede, LA Ortega, MC Zuluaga, A Alonso-Olazabal, X Murelaga, M Pina, ... PLoS One 12 (5), e0176572, 2017 | 60 | 2017 |
Characterisation of fine wall and eggshell Roman pottery by Raman spectroscopy M Olivares, MC Zuluaga, LA Ortega, X Murelaga, A Alonso‐Olazabal, ... Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 41 (11), 1543-1549, 2010 | 50 | 2010 |
Geochemical characterization of archaeological lime mortars: provenance inputs LA Ortega, MC Zuluaga, A Alonso‐Olazabal, M Insausti, A Ibáñez Archaeometry 50 (3), 387-408, 2008 | 49 | 2008 |
The first occurrence in the fossil record of an aquatic avian twig-nest with Phoenicopteriformes eggs: evolutionary implications G Grellet-Tinner, X Murelaga, JC Larrasoana, LF Silveira, M Olivares, ... Public Library of Science 7 (10), e46972, 2012 | 48 | 2012 |
Combining small-vertebrate, marine and stable-isotope data to reconstruct past environments J Rofes, N Garcia-Ibaibarriaga, M Aguirre, B Martínez-García, L Ortega, ... Scientific reports 5 (1), 14219, 2015 | 47 | 2015 |
Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the early Neolithic to middle Bronze Age Peña Larga rock shelter (Álava, Spain) from the small mammal record J Rofes, MC Zuluaga, X Murelaga, J Fernández-Eraso, S Bailon, ... Quaternary Research 79 (2), 158-167, 2013 | 46 | 2013 |
The genesis of late Hercynian granitoids from Galicia (northwestern Spain): Inferences from REE studies LA Ortega, JIG Ibarguchi The Journal of Geology 98, 189-211, 1990 | 44 | 1990 |
The long paleoenvironmental sequence of Santimamiñe (Bizkaia, Spain): 20,000 years of small mammal record from the latest Late Pleistocene to the middle Holocene J Rofes, X Murelaga, B Martínez-García, S Bailon, JC López-Quintana, ... Quaternary International 339, 62-75, 2014 | 43 | 2014 |
Hydrotalcite and hydrocalumite in mortar binders from the medieval castle of portilla (Álava, north Spain): Accurate mineralogical control to achieve more reliable … G Ponce-Antón, LA Ortega, MC Zuluaga, A Alonso-Olazabal, JL Solaun Minerals 8 (8), 326, 2018 | 41 | 2018 |
Strontium isotopes of human remains from the San Martín de Dulantzi graveyard (Alegría-Dulantzi, Álava) and population mobility in the Early Middle Ages LA Ortega, I Guede, MC Zuluaga, A Alonso-Olazabal, X Murelaga, J Niso, ... Quaternary International 303, 54-63, 2013 | 33 | 2013 |
Historic Lime-Mortar 14C Dating of Santa María la Real (Zarautz, Northern Spain): Extraction of Suitable Grain Size for Reliable 14C Dating L Angel Ortega, M Cruz Zuluaga, A Alonso-Olazabal, X Murelaga, ... Radiocarbon 54 (1), 23-36, 2012 | 33 | 2012 |
XRD, SEM/EDX and micro-Raman spectroscopy for mineralogical and chemical characterization of iron slags from the Roman archaeological site of Forua (Biscay, North Spain) H Portillo, MC Zuluaga, LA Ortega, A Alonso-Olazabal, X Murelaga, ... Microchemical Journal 138, 246-254, 2018 | 30 | 2018 |
Isotopic evidence for the reconstruction of diet and mobility during village formation in the Early Middle Ages: Las Gobas (Burgos, northern Spain) I Guede, LA Ortega, MC Zuluaga, A Alonso-Olazabal, X Murelaga, ... Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 10, 2047-2058, 2018 | 29 | 2018 |
Analyses of human dentine and tooth enamel by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) to study the diet of medieval Muslim individuals from … I Guede, MC Zuluaga, LA Ortega, A Alonso-Olazabal, X Murelaga, M Pina, ... Microchemical Journal 130, 287-294, 2017 | 29 | 2017 |
Petrographic and geochemical evidence for long‐standing supply of raw materials in neolithic pottery (Mendandia site, Spain) LA Ortega, MC Zuluaga, A Alonso‐Olazabal, X Murelaga, A Alday Archaeometry 52 (6), 987-1001, 2010 | 27 | 2010 |