Tim F Cooper
Tim F Cooper
School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland
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Hivatkozott rá
Negative epistasis between beneficial mutations in an evolving bacterial population
AI Khan, DM Dinh, D Schneider, RE Lenski, TF Cooper
Science 332 (6034), 1193-1196, 2011
Parallel changes in gene expression after 20,000 generations of evolution in Escherichia coli
TF Cooper, DE Rozen, RE Lenski
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (3), 1072-1077, 2003
Second-order selection for evolvability in a large Escherichia coli population
RJ Woods, JE Barrick, TF Cooper, U Shrestha, MR Kauth, RE Lenski
Science 331 (6023), 1433-1436, 2011
The causes of epistasis
JAGM De Visser, TF Cooper, SF Elena
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278 (1725), 3617-3624, 2011
Recombination speeds adaptation by reducing competition between beneficial mutations in populations of Escherichia coli
TF Cooper
PLoS biology 5 (9), e225, 2007
Postsegregational killing does not increase plasmid stability but acts to mediate the exclusion of competing plasmids
TF Cooper, JA Heinemann
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (23), 12643-12648, 2000
Predicting microbial growth in a mixed culture from growth curve data
Y Ram, E Dellus-Gur, M Bibi, K Karkare, U Obolski, MW Feldman, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (29), 14698-14707, 2019
Experimental evolution with E. coli in diverse resource environments. I. Fluctuating environments promote divergence of replicate populations
TF Cooper, RE Lenski
BMC evolutionary biology 10, 1-10, 2010
The environment affects epistatic interactions to alter the topology of an empirical fitness landscape
KM Flynn, TF Cooper, FBG Moore, VS Cooper
PLoS genetics 9 (4), e1003426, 2013
Diminishing-returns epistasis decreases adaptability along an evolutionary trajectory
A Wünsche, DM Dinh, RS Satterwhite, CD Arenas, DM Stoebel, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 1 (4), 0061, 2017
Expression profiles reveal parallel evolution of epistatic interactions involving the CRP regulon in Escherichia coli
TF Cooper, SK Remold, RE Lenski, D Schneider
PLoS Genetics 4 (2), e35, 2008
Measuring Selection Coefficients Below 10−3: Method, Questions, and Prospects
R Gallet, TF Cooper, SF Elena, T Lenormand
Genetics 190 (1), 175-186, 2012
Systematic perturbation of cytoskeletal function reveals a linear scaling relationship between cell geometry and fitness
RD Monds, TK Lee, A Colavin, T Ursell, S Quan, TF Cooper, KC Huang
Cell reports 9 (4), 1528-1537, 2014
Adaptive Evolution of the Lactose Utilization Network in Experimentally Evolved Populations of Escherichia coli
S Quan, JCJ Ray, Z Kwota, T Duong, G Balázsi, TF Cooper, RD Monds
PLoS genetics 8 (1), e1002444, 2012
A negative relationship between mutation pleiotropy and fitness effect in yeast
TF Cooper, EA Ostrowski, M Travisano
Evolution 61 (6), 1495-1499, 2007
The distribution of fitness effects of new beneficial mutations in Pseudomonas fluorescens
MJ McDonald, TF Cooper, HJE Beaumont, PB Rainey
Biology letters 7 (1), 98-100, 2011
Effects of Fe nanoparticles on bacterial growth and biosurfactant production
J Liu, C Vipulanandan, TF Cooper, G Vipulanandan
Journal of nanoparticle research 15, 1-13, 2013
Effect of random and hub gene disruptions on environmental and mutational robustness in Escherichia coli
TF Cooper, AP Morby, A Gunn, D Schneider
Bmc Genomics 7, 1-11, 2006
Parasites and mutational load: an experimental test of a pluralistic theory for the evolution of sex
TF Cooper, RE Lenski, SF Elena
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272 (1560), 311-317, 2005
Evolution of stable ecosystems in populations of digital organisms
TF Cooper, C Ofria
Proceedings of Artificial Life VIII, 227-232, 2002
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